![Stackage Nightly](
A Haskell wrapper for the Giphy HTTP API
using servant-client.
The module provides a Giphy
monad which can be run with runGiphy
to lift it
into IO. Here’s a simple usage example:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Web.Giphy as Giphy
apiKey :: Giphy.Key
apiKey = Giphy.Key "dc6zaTOxFJmzC"
sample :: IO ()
sample = do
let config = Giphy.GiphyConfig apiKey
resp <- Giphy.runGiphy (app "puppies") config
print resp
app :: T.Text -> Giphy.Giphy [Giphy.Gif]
app q = do
resp <- $ Giphy.Query q
return $ Giphy._searchItems resp
For a slightly more complex example, check out the sample app,
which also features the use of lenses.
Use stack to build this library.
$ stack setup
$ stack test
# Drop the flag if you don't want the sample app to be built.
$ stack build --flag=giphy-api:buildSample
# To install the sample tool
$ stack install
Sample CLI Tool Usage
$ giphy-search --help
Usage: giphy-search ([-s|--search ARG] | [-t|--translate ARG] | [RANDOM_TAG])
Find GIFs on the command line.
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
-s,--search ARG Use search to find a matching GIF.
-t,--translate ARG Use translate to find a matching GIF.
-V,--version Show version information
$ giphy-search puppies
$ giphy-search --translate superman
$ giphy-search "1C4D539A-B787-497F-B1DC-8FCF8D2C026D"
Missing features
There is no compiler flag at the moment to disable lenses if those aren’t
needed. The library, however, uses microlens
so the overhead should be
The “Stickers” API endpoints are currently not covered. If you need them, let
me know. PRs obviously very welcome.
Some fields are currently not exposed. Again, if you need them, open an issue.
For example, I have never seen a type value other than “gif” so I decided
to skip it.