BSD-3-Clause licensed and maintained by Vincent Hanquez
This version can be pinned in stack with:connection-0.3.1@sha256:3dcbf2f10d1677d339267d6dacb38a24913622edf42b05f75a73f381610ddbfc,1563

Module documentation for 0.3.1

haskell Connection library

Simple network library for all your connection need.


  • Really simple to use


Connect to on port 4567 (without socks or tls), then send a byte, receive a single byte, print it, and close the connection:

import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Network.Connection
import Data.Default

main = do
    ctx <- initConnectionContext
    con <- connectTo ctx $ ConnectionParams
                              { connectionHostname  = ""
                              , connectionPort      = 4567
                              , connectionUseSecure = Nothing
                              , connectionUseSocks  = Nothing
    connectionPut con (B.singleton 0xa)
    r <- connectionGet con 1
    putStrLn $ show r
    connectionClose con

Using a socks proxy is easy, we just need replacing the connectionSocks parameter, for example connecting to the same host, but using a socks proxy at localhost:1080:

con <- connectTo ctx $ ConnectionParams
                       { connectionHostname  = ""
                       , connectionPort      = 4567
                       , connectionUseSecure = Nothing
                       , connectionUseSocks  = Just $ SockSettingsSimple "localhost" 1080

Connecting to a SSL style socket is equally easy, and need to set the UseSecure fields in ConnectionParams:

con <- connectTo ctx $ ConnectionParams
                       { connectionHostname  = ""
                       , connectionPort      = 4567
                       , connectionUseSecure = Just def
                       , connectionUseSocks  = Nothing

And finally, you can start TLS in the middle of an insecure connection. This is great for protocol using STARTTLS (e.g. IMAP, SMTP):

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString.Char8 ()
import Network.Connection
import Data.Default

main = do
    ctx <- initConnectionContext
    con <- connectTo ctx $ ConnectionParams
                              { connectionHostname  = ""
                              , connectionPort      = 4567
                              , connectionUseSecure = Nothing
                              , connectionUseSocks  = Nothing
    -- talk to the other side with no TLS: says hello and starttls
    connectionPut con "HELLO\n"
    connectionPut con "STARTTLS\n"

    -- switch to TLS
    connectionSetSecure ctx con def

    -- the connection is from now on using TLS, we can send secret for example
    connectionPut con "PASSWORD 123\n"
    connectionClose con


Version 0.2.1 (16 April 2014)

  • Fix a difference between TLSSettings and TLSSettingsSimple, where connection would override the connection hostname and port in the simple case, but leave the field as is with TLSSettings. TLSSettings can now be used properly as template, and will be correctly overriden at the identification level only.