BSD-3-Clause licensed by Harendra Kumar
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:unicode-transforms-,5735

Module documentation for

Used by 4 packages in lts-21.23(full list with versions):

Unicode Transforms

Hackage Build Status Windows Build status Coverage Status

Fast Unicode 14.0.0 normalization in Haskell (NFC, NFKC, NFD, NFKD).

What is normalization?

Unicode characters with adornments (e.g. Á) can be represented in two different forms, as a single composed character (U+00C1 = Á) or as multiple decomposed characters (U+0041(A) U+0301( ́ ) = Á). They are differently encoded byte sequences but for humans they have exactly the same visual appearance.

A regular byte comparison may tell that two strings are different even though they might be equivalent. We need to convert both the strings in a normalized form using the Unicode Character Database before we can compare them for equivalence. For example:

>> import Data.Text.Normalize
>> normalize NFC "\193" == normalize NFC "\65\769"


Normalization performance comparison of this package (v0.3.7) with the text-icu package using the ICU C++ library version ICU4C 65.1 on macOS. The benchmarks compare the time taken in milliseconds to normalize files in different languages and normalization forms using both the packages. In most cases unicode-transforms outperforms ICU.

Benchmark       unicode-transforms(ms) ICU(ms)    % Diff
--------------- ---------------------- -------   --------
NFKD/Korean                       7.78   37.10    +376.87
NFD/Korean                        7.86   37.06    +371.50
NFKD/Vietnamese                   6.85   12.48     +82.20
NFKD/Deutsch                      2.17    3.55     +63.30
NFKD/English                      1.71    2.78     +62.30
NFKC/Korean                       4.77    7.65     +60.28
NFD/Deutsch                       2.24    3.53     +57.41
NFD/English                       1.76    2.77     +57.32
NFC/Vietnamese                   10.66   16.63     +56.00
NFKC/Vietnamese                  10.95   16.58     +51.43
NFD/Devanagari                    6.48    8.68     +34.10
NFC/Devanagari                    6.77    8.49     +25.48
NFD/AllChars                      6.18    7.41     +19.91
NFD/Japanese                      7.80    9.20     +17.99
NFKC/Devanagari                   7.33    8.48     +15.74
NFKD/Japanese                     8.71   10.05     +15.39
NFD/Vietnamese                    5.94    6.83     +14.99
NFKD/Devanagari                   7.59    8.68     +14.27
NFKD/AllChars                     9.80   10.66      +8.82
NFKC/Deutsch                      3.21    3.18      -0.72
NFC/Korean                        4.62    4.38      -5.35
NFKC/English                      2.21    2.06      -6.88
NFC/English                       2.19    2.04      -7.21
NFKC/AllChars                    14.67    9.75     -50.51
NFC/Deutsch                       3.02    1.95     -54.39
NFKC/Japanese                    12.46    5.42    -129.93
NFC/AllChars                      9.72    3.58    -171.63
NFC/Japanese                     11.90    3.04    -292.04



Please use to raise issues, or send pull requests.

Changes (March 2022)

  • Support text-icu == 0.8.* in tests
  • Support unicode-data == 0.3.*

0.4.0 (November 2021)

  • Bump unicode-data to 0.2
  • Allow text 2.0
  • Update to Unicode version 14.0.0
  • Drop support for GHC 7.10


  • Allow ghc-prim 0.7
  • Extract unicode-data into its own package
  • Depend on the latest stable text

  • Fix x32 build


  • Significant performance improvements
  • Update to Unicode version 13.0.0


  • Update to Unicode version 12.1.0
  • Update Quickcheck dependency version bounds
  • Test with GHC 8.6.5


  • Update dependency version bounds
  • Test with GHC 8.6.2


  • GHC 8.4.1 support


  • GHC 8.2.1 support


  • Work around a GHC/LLVM issue for ARM


  • Update dependency versions


  • Support Unicode version 9.0


  • Improve speed and resource hog during compilation


  • Support Unicode version 8.0
  • Switch to pure Haskell implementation

  • Initial release based on utf8proc C implementation