
Examine values for unexpected thunks

Version on this page:0.1.5
LTS Haskell 22.39:0.1.5@rev:1
Stackage Nightly 2024-10-23:
Latest on Hackage:

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Apache-2.0 licensed by IOG
Maintained by Marcin Szamotulski
This version can be pinned in stack with:nothunks-0.1.5@sha256:ebe6c82d2533851f10fc9c7a045cedbfc2add3c61e7a03ef47aa07c8220de09a,2721

Module documentation for 0.1.5

Long lived application data typically should not contain any thunks. This library can be used to examine values for unexpected thunks, which can then be used in assertions. This can be invaluable in avoiding memory leaks, or tracking down existing ones.


Revision history for nothunks

next version

0.1.5 – 2023-10-29

  • NoThunks ThreadId instance.
  • NoThunks Identity instance
  • Fix tests on ghc 9.8. Andreas Abel [email protected]
  • Tested with ghc 8.10 to 9.8.

0.1.4 – 2023-03-27

  • Made cabal flags manual.
  • Support ghc-9.2 to 9.6.
  • ThunkInfo is a newtype.

0.1.3 – 2021-06-28

0.1.2 – 2020-12-03 – 2020-09-29

  • Export Context and GWNoThunks
  • Fix typos in Haddocks
  • Improve bounds (and add upper bounds) – 2020-09-09

  • Initial public release