BSD-3-Clause licensed by Mitsutoshi Aoe
Maintained by Mitsutoshi Aoe
This version can be pinned in stack with:influxdb-,3755

InfluxDB client library for Haskell

Hackage Hackage-Deps Haskell-CI Hackage CI Gitter

Currently this library is tested against InfluxDB 1.8. InfluxDB 2 isn’t supported (yet).

Getting started

There is a quick start guide on Hackage.

Running tests

Either cabal new-test or stack test runs the doctests in Haddock comments. Note that they need a local running InfluxDB server.

Contact information

Contributions and bug reports are welcome!

Please feel free to contact me through github or on gitter.


Revision history for influxdb

v1.9.3.2 - 2024-07-12

  • Allow newer dependencies (101)

v1.9.3.1 - 2024-03-15

  • Support GHC 9.8 (#98)
  • Allow latest time package (#99)

v1.9.3 - 2023-06-29

  • Mitigate InfluxDB compatibility problems (#94)
  • Support GHC 9.4 and 9.6 (#95 and #97)
  • Revitalize CI (#96)

v1.9.2.2 - 2021-11-21

  • Update dependencies

v1.9.2.1 - 2021-10-20

  • Add support for aeson 2.0 (#89)

v1.9.2 - 2021-09-08

  • Derive Show for Line (#87)
  • Relax upper version bound for time (#88)

v1.9.1.2 - 2021-03-25

  • Relax upper version bound for attoparsec

v1.9.1.1 - 2021-03-12

  • Support GHC 9.0.1 (#85)

v1.9.1 - 2021-02-21

  • Show error on the “impossible” path in writeByteString (#82)
  • Relax upper version bounds for lens, time, doctest, and bytestring
  • Switch from Travis CI to GitHub Actions (#84)

v1.9.0 - 2020-07-18

  • Fix Ignore and Empty to replace the QueryResults instance for Void. The instance has been deprecated.
  • Remove the deprecated parseResults method in QueryResults.
  • Add the coerceDecoder method in QueryResults.
  • Drop support for GHC 8.2 and older because of the use of EmptyDataDeriving.
  • Update doctest comments with TypeApplications.

v1.8.0 - 2020-06-19

This release reworked the QueryResuls type class. There are some breaking changes:

  • parseResults has been deprecated. QueryResults has now parseMeasurement method.
  • Decoder has been monomorphized so that it can be used with lens. The original Decoder type has been renamed to SomeDecoder.
  • QueryParams has now decoder field.
  • parseResults and parseResultsWith had been using lenientDecoder and it caused some unintuitive behavior (#64, #66). Now they use strictDecoder instead.
  • parseErrorObject now doesn’t fail. It returns the error message of a response.
  • parseQueryField which has been deprecated is now deleted.
  • QueryResults instance for ShowSeries was broken. This is fixed.
  • The constructor of Decoder, parseResultsWith, and parseResultsWithDecoder have been hidden from the top-level module. They’re still available from Database.InfluxDB.JSON.

See #68 for how to migrate your code from v1.7.x to v1.8.x.

v1.7.1.6 - 2020-06-03

  • Relax upper version bound for doctest

v1.7.1.5 - 2020-05-27

  • Relax upper version bound for http-client

v1.7.1.4 - 2020-05-27

  • Relax upper version bound for aeson
  • Fix a GHC warning

v1.7.1.3 - 2020-04-03

  • Relax upper version bound for base to support GHC 8.10.1

v1.7.1.2 - 2020-02-08

  • Relax upper version bound for lens
  • Fix documentation bugs
  • Extend doctests
  • Test with GHC 8.8.2

v1.7.1.1 - 2019-09-09

  • Relax upper version bound for lens

v1.7.1 - 2019-07-19

  • Escape backslashes when encoding Lines (#75)

v1.7.0 - 2019-05-03

  • Support GHC 8.8.1-alpha1
    • The types of getField and getTag have changed
  • Relax upper version bounds for clock and network

v1.6.1.3 - 2019-03-26

  • Drop unused dependency on QuickCheck

v1.6.1.2 - 2019-01-21

  • Relax upper version bound for network

v1.6.1.1 - 2019-01-10

  • Relax upper version bound for http-client

v1.6.1 - 2018-11-20

  • Add secureServer smart constructor for Server
  • Test with InfluxDB 1.7.1 and newer GHCs including 8.6.2
  • Enhace Haddock comments

v1.6.0.9 - 2018-09-11

  • Relax upper version bound for network

v1.6.0.8 - 2018-09-04

  • Relax upper version bound for QuickCheck

v1.6.0.7 - 2018-07-23

  • Relax upper version bound for base to support GHC 8.6 (#69)

v1.6.0.6 - 2018-07-07

  • Relax upper version bound for lens

v1.6.0.5 - 2018-06-25

  • Relax upper version bound for doctest

v1.6.0.4 - 2018-06-18

  • Relax upper version bound for containers

v1.6.0.3 - 2018-06-11

  • Relax upper version bound for aeson

v1.6.0.2 - 2018-04-29

  • Relax upper version bound for network

v1.6.0.1 - 2018-04-20

  • Relax upper version bound for foldl

v1.6.0 - 2018-04-14

This release includes a few significant breaking changes.

  • Deprecate the confusing parseQueryField and re-export parseJSON instead
  • Rewrite the QueryResults instances for tuples
  • Add Timestamp instance for TimeSpec (#59)
  • Extend haddock comments

v1.5.2 - 2018-04-11

  • Export parseResultsWithDecoder, Decoder, lenientDecoder and strictDecoder from Database.InfluxDB
  • Extend haddock comments

v1.5.1 - 2018-03-29

  • Add basic auth support for query (#58)

v1.5.0 - 2018-03-15

  • Change UnexpectedResponse constructor to include the request and throw it in place of UserError in query/write/manage
  • Relax upper version bound for doctest
  • Extend Haddock comments in Database.InfluxDB.Line

The first item is a breaking change.

v1.4.0 - 2018-03-13

  • Implement proper escaping/quoting for queries (#54)
  • Relax upper version bound for aeson
  • Test against InfluxDB 1.5

v1.3.0.1 - 2018-03-06

  • Relax upper version bounds for doctest and QuickCheck

v1.3.0 - 2018-03-05

  • Relax upper version bound for base (#51)
  • Implement proper escaping and quoting for special characters (#51, #52)
    • Introduce the Measurement type and accompanying functions
  • Fix a bug in the HTTP writer where the precision parameter is ignored when constructing requests
  • Some minor doctest fixes

v1.2.2.3 - 2018-01-30

  • Relax upper version bounds for http-types, lens and time

v1.2.2.2 - 2017-11-30

  • Relax upper version bounds for http-types and tasty-hunit

v1.2.2.1 - 2017-11-30

  • Relax upper version bound for http-types

v1.2.2 - 2017-06-26

  • A couple of documentation fixes
  • Add Ord instance for Server

v1.2.1 - 2017-06-19

  • Export formatDatabase and formatKey from Database.InfluxDB for convenience

v1.2.0 - 2017-06-19

There are a lot of breaking changes in this release. The API has been cleaned up and a lot of Haddock comments are added extensively.

  • The FieldVal has been renamed to Field which takes Nullability as a type parameter.
  • localServer has been renamed to defaultServer
  • Some constructors in InfluxException have been renamed
    • BadRequest to ClientError
    • IllformedJSON to UnexpectedResponse
  • Added a smart constructor credentials for Credentials
  • Dropped parseTimestamp and added parseUTCTime
  • ping handles timeout proerply and throws InfluxException on failure
  • PingResult has been renamed to Pong and is now an abstract data type.
  • PingParams has been turned into an abstract data type.
  • waitForLeader has been renamed to timeout.
  • parsekey has been removed. getField and parseQueryField can be used instead.
  • Drop support for http-client < 0.5

v1.1.2.2 - 2017-05-31

  • Relax upper version bound for foldl

v1.1.2.1 - 2017-05-02

  • Relax version bounds for base and aeson

v1.1.2 - 2017-04-10

  • Tighten lower version bound for base #43
  • Add Database.InfluxDB.Format.{string,byteString8}

v1.1.1 - 2017-03-29

  • Relax unnecessary Traversable constraints to Foldable

v1.1.0 - 2017-03-23

  • Handle empty “values” in parseSeriesBody

v1.0.0 - 2017-03-03

The library was completely rewritten and support for older InfluxDB has been dropped.

  • Support for InfluxDB 1.2

v0.10.0 - 2016-05-17

  • Fix a typo in a Haddock comment (#28)
  • Drop support for retry < 0.7
  • Add stack.yml
  • Add support for GHC 8.0.1 (#29)

v0.9.1.3 - 2015-06-02

  • Relax upper bound for aeson

v0.9.1.2 - 2015-05-15

  • Relax upper bound for attoparsec

v0.9.1.1 - 2015-03-07

  • Allow retry >= 0.6 && < 0.7

v0.9.1 - 2015-03-07

  • Add writeSeriesData
  • Relax upper version bound for exceptions
  • Drop support for old retry package

v0.9.0.1 - 2015-01-06

  • Support for GHC 7.10.1

v0.9.0 - 2014-11-27

  • The Value parsers (accidentally) could throw exceptions. It’s fixed now.
  • Add fromSeriesData_ which discards parsing errors and returns only successful data
  • Remove listInterfaces

v0.8.0 - 2014-11-07

  • Retry on connection failure and response timeout in addition to IOException
    • Note that this may break existing code silently

v0.7.1.1 - 2014-09-19

  • Relax upper bound for http-client
  • Set upper bounds for some packages

v0.7.1 - 2014-09-16

  • Add more lenses

v0.7.0 - 2014-09-12

  • Support for influxdb v0.8 (#15)
    • Add shard spaces API
    • Add configureDatabase
  • Add Typeable and Generic instances where missing
  • Remove unused ScheduledDelete type

v0.6.0 - 2014-08-19

  • Support for retry-0.5 (#16)
    • newServerPoolWithRetrySettings has been renamed to newServerPoolWithRetryPolicy
      • serverRetrySettings field in ServerPool has been renamed to serverRetryPolicy
  • Support for network-uri (#17)

v0.5.1 - 2014-07-18

  • Export InfluxException from Database.InfluxDB

v0.5.0 - 2014-07-18

  • Add InfluxException type and use it when decoding JSON or SeriesData (#12)
  • New API
    • ping
    • listInterfaces
    • isInSync
  • BUGFIX: Fix when expecting a Float, encountered Int instead error (#14)

v0.4.2 - 2014-06-06

  • Export newServerPoolWithRetrySettings from Database.InfluxDB

v0.4.1 - 2014-06-05

  • Make retry settings configurable (#5)

v0.4.0 - 2014-06-05

  • Remove databaseReplicationFactor field from Database type

v0.3.0.1 - 2014-06-04

  • Allow exceptions-0.6 (@JohnLato)

v0.3.0 - 2014-06-03

  • Support for InfluxDB v0.7
    • Renamed username field for /cluster_admins to user
    • No support for the old field name

v0.2.2 - 2014-05-08

  • Support for retry-0.4
  • Add deleteSeries
  • Add authenticateClusterAdmin and authenticateDatabaseUser

v0.2.1.1 - 2014-04-22

  • Bug fix: Treat as integer if base10Exponent is positive

v0.2.1 - 2014-04-22

  • Add stripPrefixSnake

v0.2.0.1 - 2014-04-17

  • Drop unnecessary dependency on scientific when using old aeson.

v0.2.0 - 2014-04-16

  • Add more FromValue instances
  • Add (.:?) and (.!=)
  • Add deriveSeriesData and some variants
  • Add left folds for Stream type

v0.1.0.1 - 2014-04-07

  • Support for older aeson
  • Textual paramters in some functions for convenience
  • A lot of bug fixes

v0.0.0 - 2014-04-03

  • Initial release