BSD-3-Clause licensed by Manuel Schneckenreither
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:welford-online-mean-variance-,2069

Module documentation for

Welford: Online mean and variance computation


example :: [Double] -> IO ()
example vals = do
  let n = fromIntegral (length vals)
      mean = sum vals / n
      var = sum (map (\x -> (x - mean) ^ 2) vals) / (n - 1)
      (wMean, _, wVarSample) = finalize $ foldl' addValue WelfordExistingAggregateEmpty vals
  print (mean, var)
  print (wMean, wVarSample)

WelfordExistingAggregate is used to save the state. Use the function finalize to retrieve the current estimates for the mean, variance and sample variance.


Changelog for welford

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Unreleased - YYYY-MM-DD