Provides a simple Monad transformer FileSystemT, intended to make a fake file system.
Against its name, FileSystemT imitates very limited feature of a file system:
It’s essentially just a newtype of StateT (Map FilePath contents) m a,
where the type variable contents can be any type suitable for your tests.
For example:
If your tests have to handle only binary contents of a file, contents should be ByteString.
If your tests have to handle only text contents of a file, contents should be Text.
If your tests have to handle binary contents of a file with its permisson, contents should be (Permission, ByteString).
-- BEGINNING OF EXAMPLEimport Control.Monadimport Control.Monad.Catch.Pureimport Data.Listimportqualified Data.Map.Strict as Mimport Data.Maybeimport Test.Hspecimport Test.FileSystem.Fakeimport Prelude hiding(readFile, appendFile)typeYourFsM = FileSystemTStringCatch-- | Record of functions to stub IO actionsdataFsActions m = FsActions
{ readFile :: FilePath -> m String
, appendFile :: FilePath -> String -> m ()
fsActionsForTesting :: FsActionsYourFsMfsActionsForTesting = FsActions
{ readFile = readPath
, appendFile = \path contents ->
modifyPath path (Just . (++ contents) . fromMaybe "")
-- | The function you test.collectMatchedPaths :: MonadThrow m => FsActions m -> (String -> Bool) -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> m ()
collectMatchedPaths acts p outPath = mapM_ $ \path -> do
contents <- readFile acts path
when (p contents) $
appendFile acts outPath $ path ++ "\n"main :: IO ()
main = hspec $
describe "collectMatchedPaths" $
it "collect paths whose content matches the given condition" $ dolet initialFs = M.fromList
[ ("a.txt", "aaaaa\n")
, ("b.hs", "main = undefined\n")
, ("c.c", "#include <stdio.h>\n")
outPath = "result.txt"
args = M.keys initialFs
Right resultFs = runCatch . (`execFileSystemT` initialFs)
$ collectMatchedPaths fsActionsForTesting (isInfixOf "in") outPath args
resultFs M.! outPath `shouldBe` "b.hs\nc.c\n"-- END
Changelog for fakefs (2020-09-05)
:bug: Support GHC 8.6 or later.
:memo: Update the example in README to follow the changes in (2020-08-11)
:memo: Update README to follow the changes in (2020-08-11)
Redesign: Add ability to throw IOExceptions in a more composable manner.
By deleting ExceptT from FileSystemT, it’s more GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving-friendly.
Generalize the monad of readPath and writePath etc. by the new constraint synonym MonadFileSystem. (2019-07-16)
:memo: Update READE with an example.
:memo: Correct wrong repository URL in the cabal file. (2019-03-30)
Simplify the monad stack and the file object.
Rename main APIs to express its generality.
readFileT -> readPath
writeFileT -> writePath
Add utility functions: evalFileSystemT, execFileSystemT, etc.