Update dependency version bounds with cabal-plan-bounds.
This adds support for new packages, while drops support for old ones. – 2022-11-24
Confirm test with ghc-9.2.5, vector- and aeson-
Remove doctests. This is because it’s so difficult to maintain doctests with recent GHCs and cabals.
doctests have been moved to examples function defined in some modules.
Use stylish-haskell to format codes. – 2021-12-28
BREAKING CHANGE: Now greskell-websocket uses aeson-2.
As a result, now implementation of Data.Aeson.Object has been changed from HashMap to KeyMap.
Some types in greskell-websocket (e.g. ResponseResult) directly uses the Object type.
Confirm test with aeson-, hashtables-1.3, greskell-core-1.0.