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“A library is like an island in the middle of a vast sea of ignorance, particularly if the library is very tall and the surrounding area has been flooded.”

― Lemony Snicket, Horseradish

tomland is a Haskell library for Bidirectional TOML Serialization. It provides the composable interface for implementing TOML codecs. If you want to use TOML as a configuration for your tool or application, you can use tomland to easily convert in both ways between textual TOML representation and Haskell types.

✍️ tomland supports TOML spec version 0.5.0.

The following blog post has more details about the library design and internal implementation details:

This README contains a basic usage example of the tomland library. All code below can be compiled and run with the following command:

cabal run readme

Preamble: imports and language extensions

Since this is a literate haskell file, we need to specify all our language extensions and imports up front.

{-# OPTIONS -Wno-unused-top-binds #-}

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time (Day)
import Toml (TomlCodec, (.=))

import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import qualified Toml

tomland is designed for qualified imports and intended to be imported as follows:

import Toml (TomlCodec, (.=))  -- add 'TomlBiMap' and 'Key' here optionally
import qualified Toml

Data type: parsing and printing

We’re going to parse TOML configuration from examples/readme.toml file. The configuration contains the following description of our data:

server.port        = 8080       = [ 5, 10, 42 ]
server.description = """
This is production server.
Don't touch it!

    host = ""
    send-if-inactive = false

   guestId = 42

   guestId = 114

    login = "Foo Bar"
    createdAt = 2020-05-19

The above static configuration describes Settings for some server. It has several top-level fields, a table with the name mail and an array of tables with the name user that stores list of different types of users.

We can model such TOML using the following Haskell data types:

data Settings = Settings
    { settingsPort        :: !Port
    , settingsDescription :: !Text
    , settingsCodes       :: [Int]
    , settingsMail        :: !Mail
    , settingsUsers       :: ![User]

data Mail = Mail
    { mailHost           :: !Host
    , mailSendIfInactive :: !Bool

data User
    = Guest !Integer  -- id of guest
    | Registered !RegisteredUser  -- login and createdAt of registered user

data RegisteredUser = RegisteredUser
    { registeredUserLogin     :: !Text
    , registeredUserCreatedAt :: !Day

newtype Port = Port Int
newtype Host = Host Text

Using the tomland library, you can write bidirectional converters for these types with the following guidelines and helper functions:

  1. If your fields are some simple primitive types like Int or Text you can just use standard codecs like and Toml.text.
  2. If you want to parse newtypes, use Toml.diwrap to wrap parsers for underlying newtype representation.
  3. For parsing nested data types, use Toml.table. But it requires to specify this data type as TOML table in the .toml file.
  4. If you have lists of custom data types, use Toml.list. Such lists are represented as array of tables in TOML. If you have lists of the primitive types like Int, Bool, Double, Text or time types, that you can use Toml.arrayOf and parse arrays of values.
  5. If you have sets of custom data types, use Toml.set or Toml.HashSet. Such sets are represented as array of tables in TOML.
  6. For parsing sum types, use Toml.dimatch. This requires writing matching functions for the constructors of the sum type.
  7. tomland separates conversion between Haskell types and TOML values from matching values by keys. Converters between types and values have type TomlBiMap and are named with capital letter started with underscore. Main type for TOML codecs is called TomlCodec. To lift TomlBiMap to TomlCodec you need to use Toml.match function.
settingsCodec :: TomlCodec Settings
settingsCodec = Settings
    <$> Toml.diwrap (  "server.port")       .= settingsPort
    <*> Toml.text              "server.description" .= settingsDescription
    <*> Toml.arrayOf Toml._Int ""       .= settingsCodes
    <*> Toml.table mailCodec   "mail"               .= settingsMail
    <*> Toml.list  userCodec   "user"               .= settingsUsers

mailCodec :: TomlCodec Mail
mailCodec = Mail
    <$> Toml.diwrap (Toml.text "host") .= mailHost
    <*> Toml.bool "send-if-inactive"   .= mailSendIfInactive

matchGuest :: User -> Maybe Integer
matchGuest = \case
   Guest i -> Just i
   _ -> Nothing

matchRegistered :: User -> Maybe RegisteredUser
matchRegistered = \case
   Registered u -> Just u
   _ -> Nothing

userCodec :: TomlCodec User
userCodec =
        Toml.dimatch matchGuest      Guest      (Toml.integer "guestId")
    <|> Toml.dimatch matchRegistered Registered registeredUserCodec

registeredUserCodec :: TomlCodec RegisteredUser
registeredUserCodec = RegisteredUser
    <$> Toml.text "login"     .= registeredUserLogin
    <*>  "createdAt" .= registeredUserCreatedAt

And now we are ready to parse our TOML and print the result back to see whether everything is okay.

main :: IO ()
main = do
    tomlRes <- Toml.decodeFileEither settingsCodec "examples/readme.toml"
    case tomlRes of
        Left errs      -> TIO.putStrLn $ Toml.prettyTomlDecodeErrors errs
        Right settings -> TIO.putStrLn $ Toml.encode settingsCodec settings

Benchmarks and comparison with other libraries

You can find benchmarks of the tomland library in the following repository:

Since tomland uses 2-step approach with converting text to intermediate AST and only then decoding Haskell type from this AST, benchmarks are also implemented in a way to reflect this difference.

Library parse :: Text -> AST transform :: AST -> Haskell
tomland 305.5 μs 1.280 μs
htoml 852.8 μs 33.37 μs
htoml-megaparsec 295.0 μs 33.62 μs
toml-parser 164.6 μs 1.101 μs

In addition to the above numbers, tomland has several features that make it unique:

  1. tomland is the only Haskell library that has pretty-printing.
  2. tomland is compatible with the latest TOML spec while other libraries are not.
  3. tomland is bidirectional, which means that your encoding and decoding are consistent with each other by construction.
  4. tomland provides abilities for Generic and DerivingVia deriving out-of-the-box.
  5. Despite being the fastest, toml-parser doesn’t support the array of tables and because of that it’s hardly possible to specify the list of custom data types in TOML with this library. In addition, toml-parser doesn’t have ways to convert TOML AST to custom Haskell types and htoml* libraries use typeclasses-based approach via aeson library.


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tomland uses PVP Versioning. The changelog is available on GitHub. – Jun 7, 2024

  • Support up to GHC-9.10.
  • Remove transformers dependency.
  • Allow test case to work with OverloadedStrings – Oct 5, 2022

  • #395: Support GHC-9.2.4.
  • Upgrade text to version 2.
  • Upgrade hedgehog and hspec.

🍁 — Nov 8, 2021

  • Disable building executables by default
  • Bump up dependencies:
    • Allow bytestring-0.11.*
    • Allow hashable-
    • Allow megaparsec-9.2.0
    • Allow time-1.13
    • Allow transformers-0.6.*

🥞 — Mar 14, 2021

  • #370: Support GHC-9.0.1.
  • #368: Upgrade hashable lower bound to
  • Sort keys in pretty printing by default.

🐂 — Feb 12, 2021

  • #186: Implement TOML difference. Add decodeExact and decodeFileExact.
  • #325: Add ability to one or multiline printing to PrintOptions for arrays.
  • #329: Add _Harcoded codec and hardcoded combinator.
  • #333: Fix bug with parsing leading zeroes in numeric values.
  • #334: Escape unicode characters correctly in encode.
  • #364: Update GHC from 8.10.2 to 8.10.4.
  • #358: Upgrade parser-combinators upper bound to allow 1.3. — Sep 21, 2020

  • #331: Support hexidecimal, octal and binary values with underscores.
  • #335: Consider table array keys in tableMaps as well.
  • #338: Allow megaparsec-9.0 and hspec-megaparsec-2.2.
  • Update GHC from 8.8.3 to 8.8.4, from 8.10.1 to 8.10.2. — May 19, 2020

  • #253: Support GHC-8.10.1. Move to GHC-8.8.3 from 8.8.1.

  • Drop support of GHC-8.2.2.

  • #271: Use Validation from validation-selective in TomlEnv. This allows to accumulate and display all errors that occurs during the decoding phase. All previous decode functions return list of all TomlDecodeErrors.

    Note: Due to the specific of Validation data type, there is no Monad instanse of Codec anymore. However, this doesn’t limit any previously released features.

  • Add decodeValidation, decodeFileValidation functions to return Validation instead of Either.

  • #263: Simplify Codec abstraction. Instead of having Codec r w c a now it is Codec TomlEnv TomlState c a.

    Remove BiCodec as it is simple TomlCodec with this change.

  • #256, #278: Rename modules to simplify module structure.

    Migration guide: If you use Toml module (as advised by the library) then no changes required in your code. If you import some particular modules from tomland here is the renaming scheme you can use to apply to your imports:

    Old New
    Toml.Bi Toml.Codec
    Toml.Bi.Combinators Toml.Codec.Combinator
    Toml.Bi.Monad Toml.Codec.Types
    Toml.Bi.Code Toml.Codec.Code or Toml.Codec.Types or Toml.Codec.Error
    Toml.Bi.Map Toml.Codec.BiMap or Toml.Codec.BiMap.Conversion
    Toml.Generic Toml.Codec.Generic
    Toml.Edsl Toml.Type.Edsl
    Toml.Printer Toml.Type.Printer
    Toml.PrefixTree Toml.Type.PrefixTree or Toml.Type.Key
  • #283: Documentation improvements:

    • Add Codec Tables to each kind of codecs with examples
    • Add high-level description to each reexported module
    • Add @since annotations
    • Improve README
    • Add more examples into functions
  • #237: Add BiMap _Validate and codecs validate and validateIf for custom validation.

  • #289: Add _Coerce TomlBiMap.

  • #270: Add pair and triple codecs for tuples.

  • #261: Implement tableMap codec to use TOML keys as Map keys.

  • #243: Implement hashMap, tableHashMap, intMap, tableIntMap codec combinators.

  • Add intSet codec.

  • Add _KeyInt BiMapfor key-as-int approach.

  • #242: Add HasCodec instances for Map, HashMap and IntMap for Generic deriving.

  • #272: Add TomlTable newtype to be used in generic DerivingVia.

  • #251: Implement ByteStringAsText, ByteStringAsBytes, LByteStringAsText, LByteStringAsBytes newtypes. Add corresponding HasCodec instances for these data types.

  • #311: Reimplement custom TomlState instead of using MaybeT and State.

  • Rename ParseException to TomlParseError.

  • Rename DecodeException to TomlDecodeError.

  • Add TableArrayNotFound constructor to TomlDecodeError.

  • Remove TrivialError and TypeMismatch constructors of the TomlDecodeError type.

  • #313: Store Key in the BiMapError constructor of TomlDecodeError.

  • Add decodeFileEither and encodeToFile functions.

  • Fix sum and product behaviour on missing fields. Now it returns the wrapper of mempty instead of failure.

  • #302: nonEmpty codec throws TableArrayNotFound instead of TableNotFound.

  • #318: Export a function for parsing TOML keys parseKey.

  • #310: Add tests on all kinds of TomlDecodeError with decode function.

  • #218: Add tests for TOML validation.

  • #252: Move to hspec-* family of libraries from tasty-*.

  • #297: Tests parallelism and speed-up.

  • #246: Bump up megaparsec version to 8.0.0. — Nov 6, 2019

  • #203: Implement codecs for Map-like data structures. (by @chshersh)
  • #241: Implement codecs for Monoid wrappers: all, any, sum, product, first, last. (by @vrom911) — Oct 12, 2019 — Jul 10, 2019

  • #206: Fix in parser of inline tables inside tables, add tests for official TOML examples (by @jiegillet) — Jul 8, 2019

  • #154: Implement Generic bidirectional codecs (by @chshersh).

  • #145: Add support for inline table arrays (by @jiegillet).

  • #195: Fix an exponential parser behavior for parsing table of arrays (by @jiegillet).

  • #190: Add enumBounded codec for nullary sum types (by @mxxo).

  • #189: Breaking change: Implement custom table sorting by keys. Also fields of the PrintOptions data type were renamed according to style guide (by @ramanshah).


    data PrintOptions = PrintOptions
        { shouldSort :: Bool
        , indent     :: Int
        } deriving (Show)


    data PrintOptions = PrintOptions
        { printOptionsSorting :: !(Maybe (Key -> Key -> Ordering))
        , printOptionsIndent  :: !Int

    Migration guide: If you used indent field, use printOptionsIndent instead. If you used shouldSort, use printOptionsSorting instead and pass Nothing instead of False or Just compare instead of True. — May 17, 2019

  • #177: Add a more extensive property generator for Piece.
  • #187: Bump up to hedgehog-1.0.
  • Support GHC 8.6.5

1.0.0 — Jan 14, 2019

  • #13: Support array of tables.

    • #131: Uncommenting tomlTableArrays from TOML.
    • #134: Pretty printer arrays of tables and golden tests.
    • #143: Parser for arrays of tables.
    • #155: Add list and nonEmpty combinators for coding lists of custom user types.
    • #142: Adding EDSL support for arrays of tables.
    • #144: Added tests for arrays of tables.
  • #140: Breaking change: Replace wrapper by diwrap.

    Migration guide: change Toml.wrapper Toml.text "foo" to Toml.diwrap (Toml.text "foo").

  • #152: Breaking change: Removing mdimap.

    Migration guide: change Toml.mdimap showX parseX (Toml.text "foo") to Toml.textBy showX parseX "foo".

  • #137: Replace Maybe with Either in BiMap.

  • #174: Add _LText and lazyText codecs.

  • #163: Move all time data types from nested DateTime to Value.

  • #146: Allow underscores in floats.

  • #64: Integer parser doesn’t accept leading zeros.

  • #50: Add property-based tests for encoder and decoder.

  • #119: Add property-based tests for BiMap.

  • #149: Removing records syntax from PrefixTree.

0.5.0 — Nov 12, 2018

  • #81: Breaking change: Rename data types.

    Migration guide: rename Bijection to Codec, Bi to BiCodec and BiToml to TomlCodec.

  • #82: Breaking change: Remove maybeT. Add dioptional instead.

    Migration guide: replace Toml.maybeT "foo" with Toml.dioptional ( "foo").

  • #95: Breaking change: Swap fields in BiMaps for consistency with lens package.

    Migration guide: reverse order of composition when using BiMaps.

  • #98: Implement benchmarks for tomland and compare with htoml and htoml-megaparsec libraries.

  • #130: Added combinators to Toml.Bi.Combinators.

  • #115: Added time combinators to Toml.BiMap and Toml.Bi.Combinators.

  • #99: Split Toml.Parser file into smaller files.

  • #22: Report proper type checking error during parsing.

  • #14: Add support for inline tables parsing.

  • #70: Add _TextBy and _Read combinators.

  • #11: Add PrintOptions (sorting, indentation) for pretty printer.

  • #17: Allow underscores in integers*.

  • #90: Migrate to megaparsec 7.0.

  • #85: Add Date generator for property-based tests.

  • #88: Add Array generator for property-based tests.

  • #86: Improve String generator for property-based tests.

  • #87: Improve Double generator for property-based tests.

  • Add support for GHC 8.6.1. Add support for GHC 8.4.4. Drop support for GHC 8.0.2.

  • #109: Add function decodeToml.


  • #54: Add support for sum types. Rename Prism to BiMap. Rename bijectionMaker to match. Add string codec.


  • #19: Add proper parsing of floating point numbers.
  • #15: Add parsing of multiline strings.
  • #40: Support full-featured string parser.
  • #18: Add dates parsing.
  • Add useful combinators for newtype wrappers.
  • #58: Add decodeFile function.


  • #60: Breaking change: Replace Valuer with Prism.

    Migration guide: replace any fooV with corresponding prism _Foo.

  • #66: Breaking change: Introduce consistent names according to Haskell types.

    Migration guide: see issue details to know which names to use.

  • #8: Create EDSL for easier TOML data type writing.

  • #10: Add Semigroup and Monoid instances for PrefixTree and TOML. Add property tests on laws.

  • #20: Add parsing of hexadecimal, octal, and binary integer numbers.

  • #26: Implement unit tests for TOML parsers. Allow terminating commas inside an array. Allow comments before and after any value inside an array. Allow keys to be literal strings.


  • Make table parser work with maybeP.
  • #39: Implement prettyException function for DecodeException.


  • Switch names for decode and encode functions.
  • #47: Rename dimapBijection to dimap. Introduce mdimap combinator.
  • #37: Add tables support for bidirectional conversion.


  • #16: Add parser for literal strings.
  • Add IsString instance for Key data type.
  • #38: Add bidirectional converter for array.
  • #21: Report expected vs. actual type error in parsing.
  • #44: Add bidirectional converter for Maybe.


  • #3: Implement basic TOML parser with megaparsec.
  • #7: Implement type safe version of Value type as GADT.
  • #4: Implement basic pretty-printer.
  • #1: Implement types representing TOML configuration.
  • Initially created.