
An implementation of the C99 AST that strictly follows the standard.

LTS Haskell 23.10:0.2.0
Stackage Nightly 2025-03-01:0.2.0
Latest on Hackage:0.2.0

See all snapshots language-c99 appears in

MIT licensed by Frank Dedden
Maintained by Frank Dedden
This version can be pinned in stack with:language-c99-0.2.0@sha256:660689db3191edf6164b6e1a00f700bd8d3ebc46dde87c26ad975fd0edbb9953,1587

Module documentation for 0.2.0

This package contains an implementation of the C99 AST as described in Sticking closely to this standard assures us that the program we deal with is a valid C99 program.

Additionally the library comes with a pretty printer.

The package does not come with handy wrapper and utility functions to write a C99 program, it just contains the bare AST. It is highly recommended to use the wrapper provided by 'language-c99-simple' and 'language-c99-util' for writing programs.


Revision history for language-c99

0.2.0 – 2022-05-21

  • Renamed InitArray to InitList.

0.1.3 – 2021-09-13

  • Fixed a bug where I and J where swapped in the pretty printer. (Thanks to Benjamin Selfridge)
  • Extended the prettyprinter. (Thanks to Alexander Vieth)

0.1.2 – 2019-11-30

  • Added newline to the end of translation units.

0.1.1 – 2019-04-01

  • Small update, fixed indentation of some code blocks. – 2019-03-30

  • First version. Containing full AST, but only a part of the pretty printer.