Pretty Print containers in a tabular format
LTS Haskell 23.14: | |
Stackage Nightly 2025-03-16: | |
Latest on Hackage: | |
Module documentation for
- Text
- Text.PrettyPrint
Textme.PrettyPrint.Tabulate : Print any list, vector or map of records as a well-formatted readable table. Nested record structures are printed with hierarchically arranged headers, thus clearly showing the nested structures.
- This module provides simple functions used to print values in tabular format
- Version
- Contributions and Bug Reports welcome. Please use the Github issue tracker.
Release Notes (This release has breaking changes)
This release has some breaking changes which was required to extend functionality. The extended functionality improves on previous release by printing nested records with hierarchical column headers
All Records types need to update their
instances to provide a flag, namelyExpandWhenNested
. -
function has been renamed toprintTable
to make the function name more descriptive. -
New function called printTableWithFlds has been added.
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses#-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Text.PrettyPrint.Tabulate
import qualified GHC.Generics as G
import Data.Data
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.Tabulate as T
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
Instance Declaration Requirements
All records definitions should
All field types that are record attributes should have an instance of
. Default instances for standard types are already provided. -
All records that need to be printed as a table need to be an instance of
. -
Depending on if the nested record’s fields have to be expanded, the Tabulate instance could either be
instance Tabulate Price ExpandWhenNested
orinstance Tabulate Price DoNotExpandWhenNested
data FxCode = USD | EUR | JPY deriving (Show, Data, G.Generic)
instance T.CellValueFormatter FxCode
-- This record type will be nested inside `Stock`
data Price = Price {price::Double, fx_code::FxCode} deriving (Data, G.Generic, Show)
-- if we do not want the `Price` records to be expanded into their own fields
-- then choose `T.DoNotExpandWhenNested`
instance T.Tabulate Price T.ExpandWhenNested
instance T.CellValueFormatter Price
data Stock = Stock {ticker::String, local_price::Price, marketCap::Double} deriving (
Data, G.Generic, Show)
instance T.Tabulate Stock T.ExpandWhenNested
Once we have the records and required instances created, we can see how the created records can be viewed in the tabular format.
yahoo = Stock {ticker="YHOO", local_price=Price 42.29101010 USD, marketCap=40e9}
google = Stock {ticker="GOOG", local_price=Price 774.210101 EUR, marketCap=532.09e9}
amazon = Stock {ticker="AMZN", local_price=Price 799.161717 JPY, marketCap=378.86e9}
tickers = [yahoo, google, amazon]
tickers_vector = Vector.fromList tickers
tickers_map:: Map.Map Integer Stock
tickers_map = Map.fromList [(10, yahoo), (100, google), (1000, amazon)]
printExamples:: IO ()
printExamples = do
putStrLn "Printing records in a list\n"
T.printTable tickers
putStrLn "\nPrinting records in a map with the index.\nNote the `key(s)` are printed as first columns"
T.printTable tickers_map
putStrLn "\nPrinting records in a vector\n"
T.printTable tickers_vector
-- Sometimes records may have too many fields. In those case, specific fields can
-- be chosen to be printed. Currently, support for this functionality is
-- minimal. The 'headers` are not printed. In the future, a function that
-- can take header labels as a list will be provided.
putStrLn "\nPrinting specific fields. Note, currently field names are not printed"
T.printTableWithFlds [T.DFld (price . local_price), T.DFld ticker] tickers_map
putStrLn "\nPrint nested record in a map, individually"
T.printTable $ fmap local_price tickers_map
Print the examples
main:: IO ()
main = do
Printing records in a list
ticker local_price local_price marketCap
- price fx_code -
YHOO 42.2910101 USD 4.0000000e10
GOOG 774.2101010 EUR 5.3209000e11
AMZN 799.1617170 JPY 3.7886000e11
Printing records in a map with the index (Note the `key` is printed as the first column)
- ticker local_price local_price marketCap
- - price fx_code -
10 YHOO 42.2910101 USD 4.0000000e10
100 GOOG 774.2101010 EUR 5.3209000e11
1000 AMZN 799.1617170 JPY 3.7886000e11
Printing records in a vector
ticker local_price local_price marketCap
- price fx_code -
YHOO 42.2910101 USD 4.0000000e10
GOOG 774.2101010 EUR 5.3209000e11
AMZN 799.1617170 JPY 3.7886000e11
Printing specific fields. Note, currently field names are not printed
10 42.2910101 YHOO
100 774.2101010 GOOG
1000 799.1617170 AMZN
- This release contains breaking changes
- Name of Tabilize class changed to Tabulate
- printList, printMap and printVector all replaced with polymorphic method ppTable
- New class Boxable with default instances for List, Vector and Map
- Use prinf library to print basic types
- New class CellValueFormatter with default instances for basic type
- Boxable instance to extend to other Traversable instances
- CellValueFormatter class to extend formatting
- Intial version
- Can print List, Map or Vector in tabular format