Track wikilinks with a class instead of the title (Evan
Silberman). The use of title=“wikilink” in HTML output traces
back to Pandoc’s hijacking of the title attribute for this purpose
back when Pandoc links didn’t have Attrs. A coordinated change in
Pandoc moves this more appropriately into a class.
Autolink parser: track balanced brackets in path (improves
on #156). We still get a link within a link, which isn’t right, but at
least the link goes to the right place. Cf. jgm/pandoc#10333.
Fix auto_identifiers extension: it now replaces emojis with
their aliases, as documented.
Fix auto_identifiers_ascii extension: it now ignores
non-ASCII characters with no ASCII equivalent.
Fix autolink parsing regression (#151). This affects autolinks with
doubled internal line-ending punctuation characters.
Fix rebase_relative_paths extension so it works with URLs with
non-ASCII characters (#148). Previously these would not be properly
detected as absolute URIs.
Improve autolinks extension (#147).
The autolinks extension was interacting badly with explicit links,
To fix this we had to make autolink parsing a bit stricter than
the GFM spec does. They allow unbalanced ) except at the end
of a URL (which is defined as: followed by optional final punctuation
then whitespace or eof). With this change, we don’t allow unbalanced
) at all in raw URLs. This should not be a big problem in practice.
Protect against quadratic generated table size explosion (Michael Howell).
This commit adds a limit to the number of auto-completed cells
around 200,000. The result is, in these original samples:
Add test/ to extra-source-files in cabal file.
Do not accept footnote labels with line breaks (Michael Howell).
Parse [^ ] and [^] as links (Michael Howell). This is consistent with
most other CommonMark parsers, even when they have support for footnotes turned on.
Make pipe_tables extension treat backslash escapes like GH does (#112,
Michael Howell). This change essentially changes the way the text
\\| gets parsed inside a table. In the old version, the first backslash
escapes the second backslash, and then the pipe is treated as a cell
separator. In the new version, the pipe is still preceded by a backslash,
so it is still literal text. The escaping rule is documented in detail
in the spec for this extension. This change also aligns our escaping
of pipes with GitHub’s.
Fix pipe table parser so that |s don’t interfere with
other block structures (Michael Howell, #111, fixing #52 and
#95). This parser is structured as a system that parses the
second line first, then parses the first line. That is, if
it detects a delimiter row as the second line of a
paragraph, it converts the paragraph into a table. This
seems counterintuitive, but it works better than trying to
convert a table into a paragraph, since it might need to be
something else.
Improve parsing of inline math (#110).
Resolve entities inside wikilinks (#105, Michał Kukieła).
Require whitespace after definition list marker (#104).
Otherwise we can inadvertently clobber strikeout or subscript.
Fix definition_lists extension (#96). We were not properly consuming
indentation in definitions, which caused problems when the definitions
themselves contained lists.
Update lower version bounds for commonmark (#93, David
Thrane Christiansen).
math extension: don’t fail when display math contains
embedded inline math. See jgm/pandoc#7942.
Make math parsing more sophisticated.
Count embeddings inside {..}, since math can contain
e.g. \text{...} which itself contains math delimiters.
Small improvement in pipe table parsing.
The old parser failed on some edge cases with extra whitespace
after pipes (which we should just ignore).
fancy_list extension: improve list type ambiguity resolution (#89).
Allow bare word attribute in fenced_divs (#84). This follows a similar
change in pandoc (jgm/pandoc#7242).
Fix commonmark-extensions to build with GHC 9.2 (#81, Joseph C. Sible).
Currently --allow-newer is needed.
Add footnote to gfmExtensions. Note that this also requires
additional type constraints on gfmExtensions [API change].
Fix bug with absolute paths in rebase_relative_paths
extension on Windows.
Fix bug in wikilinks extensions.
Add rebase_relative_paths extension.
New exported module Commonmark.Extensions.RebaseRelativePaths [API change].
Add wikilinks_title_before_pipe and wikilinks_title_after_pipe
extensions (#69).
New exported module Commonmark.Extensions.Wikilinks [API change].
Add a test for autolinks (#66).
Require commonmark (otherwise autolinks don’t work
Add some new test examples to the autolinks extension spec (#65).
Allow interior ~ characters in autolinks (#65).
Remove unnecessary Typeable constraint on TaskList and
gfmExtensions (#58).
Fix bug in footnote extension: multiple blocks in
a block container (e.g. block quote or list) inside
a footnote were being rendered in reverse order (#63,
Harald Gliebe).
Added a missing test file to extra-source-files (#55).
Add HasQuoted class in Smart extension, with singleQuoted
and doubleQuoted methods. This gives more fleibility in
supporting smart quotes, and allows us to use pandoc’s
Quoted elements.
Add advice to haddocks for pipeTableSpec (#52).
If a line could be a candidate pipe table heading, but the
following line of separators is not encountered, the line is
treated as a paragraph, even if it has indications of other
block-level formatting. Putting the pipeTableSpec AFTER
parsers for lists, headings, etc. causes the latter to take