
Provides Word128, Word192 and Word256 and a way of producing other large words if required.

LTS Haskell 23.16:1.2.5
Stackage Nightly 2025-03-29:1.2.5
Latest on Hackage:1.2.5

See all snapshots largeword appears in

BSD-3-Clause licensed and maintained by Dominic Steinitz
This version can be pinned in stack with:largeword-1.2.5@sha256:0866fec80712e88475c6915ad88277c7646a57bc456f4c69ae00934ec12ef3e9,1498

Module documentation for 1.2.5

Depends on 2 packages(full list with versions):

Provides Word128, Word192 and Word256 and a way of producing other large words if required.