Yi editor core library
LTS Haskell 23.16: | 0.19.4 |
Stackage Nightly 2025-03-29: | 0.19.4 |
Latest on Hackage: | 0.19.4 |
Maintained by Yi developers
This version can be pinned in stack with:
Module documentation for 0.19.4
- Parser
- Paths_yi_core
- System
- Yi
- Yi.Buffer
- Yi.Command
- Yi.Completion
- Yi.CompletionTree
- Yi.Config
- Yi.Core
- Yi.Debug
- Yi.Dired
- Yi.Editor
- Yi.Eval
- Yi.Event
- Yi.File
- Yi.History
- Yi.Hoogle
- Yi.Hooks
- Yi.IncrementalParse
- Yi.Interact
- Yi.JumpList
- Yi.Keymap
- Yi.KillRing
- Yi.Layout
- Yi.MiniBuffer
- Yi.Misc
- Yi.Mode
- Yi.Monad
- Yi.Paths
- Yi.PersistentState
- Yi.Process
- Yi.Rectangle
- Yi.Search
- Yi.String
- Yi.Syntax
- Yi.Tab
- Yi.Tag
- Yi.TextCompletion
- Yi.Types
- Yi.UI
- Yi.Window
Depends on 32 packages(full list with versions):
array, attoparsec, base, binary, bytestring, containers, data-default, directory, dlist, dynamic-state, exceptions, filepath, hashable, ListLike, microlens-platform, mtl, old-locale, oo-prototypes, parsec, pointedlist, process, process-extras, split, text, time, transformers-base, unix, unix-compat, unordered-containers, xdg-basedir, yi-language, yi-rope
Used by 9 packages in lts-23.16(full list with versions):