
QuasiQuoter for non-interpolated strings, texts and bytestrings.

LTS Haskell 23.7:0.0.6
Stackage Nightly 2025-02-05:0.0.6
Latest on Hackage:0.0.6

See all snapshots string-qq appears in

LicenseRef-PublicDomain licensed by Audrey Tang
Maintained by Audrey Tang
This version can be pinned in stack with:string-qq-0.0.6@sha256:3b5fdb643dc6434d1b3bef10f2948ff4fa4498dd414c37f759edc4611c557e20,1155

Module documentation for 0.0.6

QuasiQuoter for non-interpolated strings, texts and bytestrings, useful for writing multi-line IsString literals.