Beam is a Haskell library for type-safe querying and manipulation of SQL databases. Beam is modular and supports various backends. In order to use beam, you will need to use beam-core along with a specific backend (such as beam-postgres or beam-sqlite) as well as the corresponding backend. For more information, see the user manual and tutorial on GitHub pages.


Updated dependencies

  • Updated the upper bound to include hashable-1.5.

Bug fixes

  • The Pagila example in beam-postgres has been updated to compile using the most recent version of beam packages (#729).


  • Remove the GHC flag -O3, which resulted in increased compilation time by default. This flag can still be activated using your build system of choice, as with every library.

Added features

  • Export generic classes (#585).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where a WHERE clause would be dropped in the absence of a FROM (#695).

Added features

  • Added support for creating database schemas and associated tables with createDatabaseSchema, createTableWithSchema, and existingDatabaseSchema (#716).
  • Added FromBackendRow instance for Identity (#717).

Added features

  • Allow embedding database types
  • Loosen some version bounds

Bug fixes

  • Make sure lateral join names do not overlap

Addded features

  • Add runSelectReturningFirst
  • IN (SELECT ...) syntax via inQuery_

Added features

  • Aeson 2.0 support

Added features

  • Heterogeneous variants of like_ and similarTo_: like_' and similarTo_'
  • GHC 9.2 and 9.0 support

Added features

  • Improve error message when asc_ or desc_ is missing in orderBy_

Removal of machine-dependent Int/Word instances

Beam now mandates that you use unambiguous integer types like Int32, Int64, or Integer instead of the machine-dependent Int or Word. Custom type errors have been added to guide migration where required.

Combinators which previously returned Int, such as countAll_ and rowNumber_, now match functions such as count_ in returning any Integral type. The type of these functions vary across databases and doesn’t in general correspond to the INTEGER type. (For example Postgres uses bigint for these.)

in_ on row values

Beam now supports using in_ on row values, for backends which support it. This fulfills the often requested ability to use in_ on PrimaryKeys, e.g. primaryKey row `in_` [ ... ].

Miscellaneous added features

  • Support for ad-hoc queries on tables which don’t have a corresponding Beamable type
  • HasInsertOnConflict class for backends which support functionality similar to Postgres and SQLite’s INSERT ... ON CONFLICT
  • Convenience functions setEntitySchema and modifyEntitySchema
  • Haskell-style conditionals ifThenElse_ and bool_
  • Poly-kinded instances for Data.Tagged.Tagged
  • Variants of update functions which use tri-value SqlBool: update', save', updateRow', updateTableRow', and corresponding combinator references'
  • GHC 8.8 support

Minor interface changes

  • Split WithConstraint apart, to support strict fields
  • zipTables supports Applicative actions instead of Monad

Bug fixes

  • Database definition fields can be made strict
  • decimalType properly emits SQL 92 DECIMAL instead of DOUBLE

Common table expressions

Beam now supports common table expressions on some backends, using the With monad. Currently, only SELECT statements are supported.

Changes to field name modification

EntityModification is now a Monoid.

Instead of taking the beam-determined name, the renamingFields function instead takes a Data.List.NonEmpty value containing the names of each Haskell record selector that led to this field.

For example, in the following

data Embedded f =
  Embedded { _field1 :: Columnar f Text
           , _field2 :: Columnar f Int }

data Table1 f =
  Table1 { _tbl1FieldA :: Columnar f Text
         , _tbl1Embedded :: Embedded f }

db = defaultDbSettings `withDbModification`
     dbModification { table1 = renamingFields f }

f would be called with ["_tbl1FieldA"], ["_tbl1Embedded", "_field1"] and ["_tbl1Embedded", "_field2"].

Simplified types

Every beam SQL backend is now an instance of BeamSqlBackend and has an associated syntax via an associated type family. This means types are much simpler.

Another benefit is that MonadBeam now has a simpler type and can be used with monad transformers. For example, writing a computation that may call out to a postgres database is as simple as

dbComputation :: MonadBeam Postgres m => m result

versus before

dbComputation :: MonadBeam PgCommandSyntax Postgres Pg.Connection m => m result

Things become simpler if you want to write database agnostic computations. You can now do

dbComputation :: (BeamSqlBackend be, MonadBeam be m) => m result

versus before

dbComputation :: ( Sql92SanityCheck syntax, MonadBeam syntax be hdl m ) => m result

Removal of HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints

The changes above make a separate HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints class unnecessary. The defaultSqlDataTypeConstraints method is now included within the HasDefaultSqlDataType class.

Changes to parseOneField and peekField

Formerly, the peekField function would attempt to parse a field without advancing the column pointer, regardless of whether a field was successfully parsed. In order to support more efficient parsing, this has been changed. When peekField returns a Just value, then the column pointer is advanced to the next pointer. This means you do not need to call parseOneField again to advance the pointer.

You can still chain peekField calls together by using the new Alternative instance for FromBackendRowM.

Add compatibility with GHC 8.4 and stack nightly

Note ‘’ was released because the signature of delete was too specific in ‘’ due to an error when uploading the package.

Weaker functional dependencies on MonadBeam

The functional dependency on MonadBeam is now just m -> syntax be handle. This allows us to define MonadBeam instances atop monad transformers (although we don’t have any yet!).

Correct boolean handling

Previous versions of beam used the SQL = operator to compare potentially NULL values. This is incorrect, as NULL = NULL => UNKNOWN in ANSI-compliant implementations. Beam has changed its emitted SQL to produce proper comparisons, but this can dramatically affect performance in some backends. Particularly, proper JOIN index usage in Postgres requires an exact match on an equality constructor, which may not be what you get when using the proper boolean handling.

If you are okay using SQL null handling, you can use the new ==?. and /=?. operators which produce an expression with type SqlBool instead. SqlBool is a type that can represent the SQL BOOL type in all its gritty glory. Note however, that these operators do not compare for haskell equality, only SQL equality, so please understand what that means before using them.

Correspondingly, many functions that took Bool expressions now have corresponding versions that take SqlBool. For example, to use guard_ with a SqlBool expression use guard_' (note the prime).

(Note: I don’t really like that we have to do this, but this is the only way unless we introspect user expressions. Beam’s philosophy is to be as direct as possible. The ==. operator corresponds to haskell ==, and so produces the boolean we would expect as Haskell programmers. The ==?. operator is a new operator that users must explicitly opt in to. Both produce the most direct code possible on each backend.)

Aggregations return Maybe types

In previous versions of beam, aggregations such as avg_, sum_, etc returned an expression of the same type as its inputs. However, this does not match standard SQL behavior, where these aggregates can return NULL if no rows are selected for the aggregation. This breaks older code, but is more correct. To restore the older behavior, use the fromMaybe_ function to supply a default value.

Miscellaneous name changes

The Database.Beam.Query.lookup function was renamed to lookup_ to avoid overlap with the Prelude function of the same name.

Reintroduce explicit backends to Database class

Some database entites only work on particular backends. For example, beam-postgres extension support only works in beam-postgres. The lack of a backend parameter on the Database type class essentially mandated that every database entity worked on every backend. By introducing a backend parameter to Database, we allow the user to restrict which backends a database can work on.

The old behavior is still easily recovered. Whereas before you’d write

instance Database MyDatabase

Now write

instance Database be MyDatabase

Require backends to explicitly declare types that can be compared for equality

Beam previously allowed any two types to be compared for SQL equality. This is no longer the case. Rather, only types that are instances of HasSqlEqualityCheck for the given expression syntax can be checked for equality. Correspondingly, only types that are instances of HasSqlQuantifiedEqualityCheck can be checked for quantified equality.

This change is somewhat invasive, as the relationship and join operators depend on the ability to check primary keys for equality. You may have to add appropriate class constraints to your queries. In order to assert that a table can be compared for equality, you can use the HasTableEquality constraint synonym.

For Backends

Backend implementors should establish instances of HasSqlEqualityCheck and HasSqlQuantifiedEqualityCheck for every type that can be compared in their syntax. You may choose to implement a custom equality and inequality operator. Alternatively, you can leave the instances empty to use the defaults, which match the old behavior.

Properly deal with NULL values in equality

Previous versions of Beam would use SQL = and <> operators to compare potentially NULL values. However, NULL = NULL is always false, according to the SQL standard, so this behavior is incorrect.

Now, Beam will generate a CASE .. WHEN .. statement to explicitly handle mismatching NULLs. This is the ‘expected’ behavior from the Haskell perspective, but does not match what one may expect in SQL. Note that it is always better to explicitly handle NULLs using maybe_, and beam recommends this approach in robust code.

Remove Auto for fields with default values

Auto was a convenience type for dealing with tables where some columns have been given a default value. Auto worked well enough but it was a very leaky abstraction. Moreover, it was unnecessary. Everything you can do with Auto can be done more safely with default_.

For example, instead of using

insertValues [ Table1 (Auto Nothing) "Field Value" "Another Field Value" ]


insertExpressions [ Table1 default_ (val_ "Field Value") (val_ "Another Field Value") ]

  • Mostly complete SQL92, SQL99 support
  • Piecemeal support for SQL2003 and SQL2008 features
  • Completely modular backends
  • Various bug improvements and fixes

  • Move to using finally tagless style for SQL generation
  • Split out backends from beam-core
  • Allow non-table entities to be stored in databases
  • Basic migrations support