
QuickCheck support for the Tasty test framework.


Version on this page:0.11
LTS Haskell 23.14:0.11
Stackage Nightly 2025-03-14:0.11.1@rev:1
Latest on Hackage:0.11.1@rev:1

See all snapshots tasty-quickcheck appears in

MIT licensed and maintained by Roman Cheplyaka
This version can be pinned in stack with:tasty-quickcheck-0.11@sha256:256e06c6a9ef617621c5d6b6cba5b186f6b00eb2aa02384c7bf0cba3d76c8a89,1804

Module documentation for 0.11

QuickCheck support for the Tasty test framework.



Version 0.11

  • Fix issues with QuickCheck progress reporting in the presence of withMaxSuccess (#419).

  • Produce seeds that run a single failing tests instead of reproducing all the earlier successes (#410).

    Seeds are now pairs instead of single integers, e.g. --quickcheck-replay="(SMGen 2909028190965759779 12330386376379709109,0)"

    Single integer seeds are still accepted as input, but they do run through earlier successes.

    The QuickCheckReplay type used as a tasty option has three data constructors now. QuickCheckReplayNone is the default value and provides no seed. QuickCheckReplayLegacy takes an integer as before. The QuickCheckReplay data constructor takes the new seed form.

Version 0.10.3

  • Print QuickCheck progress using Tasty progress reporting. (#311).

Version 0.10.2

Export QuickCheckMaxShrinks


The only point of this release is to introduce compatibility with GHCs back to 7.0 (see https://github.com/UnkindPartition/tasty/pull/287).

Note, however, that these changes are not merged to the master branch, and the future releases will only support the GHC/base versions from the last 5 years, as per our usual policy. To test with even older GHCs, you’ll have to use this particular version of tasty-quickcheck (or have the constraint solver pick it for you when testing with older GHCs).

The source of this release is in the support-old-ghcs branch of the tasty repository.


  • Accept underscores in --quickcheck-tests for readability, e.g. --quickcheck-tests 10_000_000.

Version 0.10.1

  • Add a –quickcheck-shrinks flag

Version 0.10

  • Do not re-export irrelevant Template Haskell QuickCheck functions
  • Make boolean options case-insensitive
  • Make –quickcheck-show-replay a command-line flag rather than an option requiring an argument True

Version 0.9.2

  • Add a testProperties function, which allows to test all QuickCheck properties defined in a module.

Version 0.9.1

  • Expose internal optionSetToArgs function

Version 0.9

  • Drop support for QuickCheck < 2.7

  • Change the --quickcheck-show-replay semantics

    Previously, when the flag was set to True, the seed was only shown on failure.

    Now, the seed is shown on failure regardless of the value of the flag, and the flag causes the seed to be shown on success.

    The default value for --quickcheck-show-replay is now False.

Version 0.8.4

Add a “–quickcheck-verbose” option


  • Put correct lower version bound on tasty
  • Allow use of older QuickCheck for HP compatibility


When QC message throws an exception, still print the replay message

Version 0.8.3

  • Export ‘show replay’ option
  • Fixed a run-time error when using QuickCheck’s expectFailure

Version 0.8.2

  • Allow suppressing the –quickcheck-replay hint
  • Split the changelog out of the main tasty changelog

Version 0.8.1

Re-export Gen from Test.Tasty.QuickCheck


Upgrade to QuickCheck 2.7

Version 0.8

Update to tasty-0.8

Version 0.3.1

Use the original QuickCheck’s output format

Version 0.3

Add options for maximum size and maximum ratio; support replay.

Version 0.2

Re-export useful bits of Test.QuickCheck from Test.Tasty.QuickCheck