When building this package directly from the Git repository, one must run
autoreconf -i to generate the configure script needed by cabal configure. This requires Autoconf to be installed.
autoreconf -i
cabal install
There is no need to run the configure script manually however, as cabal configure does that automatically.
removeDirectoryRecursive no longer follows symlinks under any
Allow trailing path separators in getPermissions on Windows
renameFile now always throws the correct error type
(InappropriateType) when the destination is a directory, as long as the
filesystem is not being modified concurrently
Add makeAbsolute, which should be preferred over canonicalizePath
unless one requires symbolic links to be resolved (Mar 2014)
Bundled with GHC 7.8.1
Add support for sub-second precision in getModificationTime when
linked against unix>=
Fix createDirectoryIfMissing _ "." in C:\ on Windows
Remove support for NHC98 compiler
Update package to cabal-version >= 1.10 format
Enhance Haddock documentation for doesDirectoryExist and
Fix findExecutable to check that file permissions indicate executable
New convenience functions findFiles and findFilesWith