
Binary and exponential searches

Version on this page:0.1
LTS Haskell 22.35:2.0.0
Stackage Nightly 2024-09-26:2.0.0
Latest on Hackage:2.0.0

See all snapshots binary-search appears in

BSD-3-Clause licensed by Ross Paterson, Takayuki Muranushi
Maintained by Takayuki Muranushi
This version can be pinned in stack with:binary-search-0.1@sha256:c0ac966422b5b91dc060be76223854e78c8b1b83f4ed47e8afdcbe4644f56b07,1778
Depends on 2 packages(full list with versions):
Used by 1 package in nightly-2015-10-06(full list with versions):

These modules address the problem of finding the boundary of an upward-closed set of integers, using a combination of exponential and binary searches. Variants are provided for searching within bounded and unbounded intervals of both Integer and bounded integral types.