Helper functions and data types for producing News feeds.
added feedLogo field to Feed type as Maybe (url, Text). Should this field result in Nothing, nothing will be added to the feed.
url: Defines the URL to the logi image
Text: Is the description of the logo image. Will only be used for RSS feeds
added feedEntryEnclosure field to FeedEntry type as Maybe (url, Int, Text). Should this field result in Nothing, no data will be added to the feed entry.
url: Defines the URL to the enclosed data
Int: Is the content size in bytes. RSS requires this.
Text: Is the MIME-type of the enclosed file. RSS requires this
modified template function to append an <logo>url</logo> tag at the end of the feed, when the provided feedLogo is not Nothing. This might look awkward, since it will be appended after the entries.
modified entryTemplate to append an <link rel="enclosure" href=url> to the feed entry.
modified template function to append an <image> tag with its three required components <url>, <title> and <link>. <url> and <title> will be filled from feedLogo, <link> will be feedLinkHome.
modified entryTemplate function to append an <enclosure type=mime length=length url=url> to the feed entry