

A version of Either specialised for encoding of success or failure

LTS Haskell 8.24:0.2.6
Stackage Nightly 2017-04-08:0.2.6
Latest on Hackage:0.2.6

See all snapshots success appears in

MIT licensed and maintained by Nikita Volkov
This version can be pinned in stack with:success-0.2.6@sha256:9c0177f2653a7c876ddb6b99671c94a4e309f8a21bfd063c144d24f48658bf58,1769

Module documentation for 0.2.6

Used by 1 package in nightly-2016-02-24(full list with versions):

The primary motivation for creation of this package was the need for the Alternative instance of Either, which there is no sane way to implement. The type provided by this library extends Either in a way to provide the missing instance.