This is a slug
implementation that plays nicely with the Yesod
ecosystem. Although it’s fairly easy to write this thing, slugs are useful
and general enough to be coded once and be used again and again. So this
little package eliminates some boilerplate you might find yourself writing.
Quick start
The package provides the data type Slug
that is an instance of various
type classes, so it can be used with Persistent or as a part of a route. It
also works with the aeson
The slugs are completely type-safe. When you have a Slug
, you can be sure
that there is a valid slug inside. Valid slug has the following qualities:
it’s not empty;
it consists only of alpha-numeric groups of characters (words) separated
by '-'
dashes in such a way that entire slug cannot start or end in a
dash and also two dashes in a row cannot be found;
every character with defined notion of case is lower-cased.
To use the package with persistent models, just import Web.Slug
and add it
to model file:
slug Slug
Use it in route file like this:
/post/#Slug PostR GET
In Haskell code, create slugs from Text
with mkSlug
and extract their
textual representation with unSlug
. The following property holds:
mkSlug = mkSlug >=> mkSlug . unSlug
Copyright © 2015–2017 Mark Karpov
Distributed under BSD 3 clause license.