
SmallCheck support for the Hspec testing framework


Version on this page:0.5.2@rev:1
LTS Haskell 22.35:0.5.3
Stackage Nightly 2024-09-26:0.5.3
Latest on Hackage:0.5.3

See all snapshots hspec-smallcheck appears in

MIT licensed
Maintained by Simon Hengel
This version can be pinned in stack with:hspec-smallcheck-0.5.2@sha256:775ab05b19b40bd03b7f346aea2577dde0d1b525284699b8448ab9764f16302e,2121

Module documentation for 0.5.2

Used by 2 packages in nightly-2022-07-21(full list with versions):

SmallCheck support for the Hspec testing framework