
A simple library to call PlantUML given a diagram specification

Version on this page:0.0.1
LTS Haskell 22.33:
Stackage Nightly 2024-09-07:
Latest on Hackage:

See all snapshots call-plantuml appears in

MIT licensed by Marcellus Siegburg
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:call-plantuml-0.0.1@sha256:8a1ff92fef35729ed01db4201f7954127034ad6113224f579276d254dae2221b,1985

Module documentation for 0.0.1

call-plantuml [Haskell CI]

This is a simple library to call PlantUML given a diagram specification. PlantUML is included (as JAR file) within this library.


  • Java Runtime Environment: There is currently no warning if you have not set up any Java Runtime Environment. However, you will get runtime errors if it is not available when a call to PlantUML happens. If you want to force a check, please perform the test cases.


Change Log

Version 0.0.1

  • provide basic ability to call PlantUML