
Extensible records and polymorphic variants.

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LTS Haskell 22.33:
Stackage Nightly 2024-09-07:
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BSD-3-Clause licensed by Louis Pan
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:data-diverse-,3195
Used by 1 package in nightly-2022-09-01(full list with versions):

Hackage Build Status

“Data.Diverse.Many” is an extensible record for any size encoded efficiently as (Seq Any).

“Data.Diverse.Which” polymorphic variant of possibilities encoded as (Int, Any).

Provides getters, setters, projection, injection, folds, and catamorphisms; accessed by type or index or label.

Refer to ManySpec.hs and WhichSpec.hs for example usages.

Iso, Lens and Prisms are provided in data-diverse-lens



    • Renamed definitely to totally.


    • Renamed Unconstrained to C0. Added C2, C3, C4, C5, C6.

    • Renamed NoConstraint to Unconstrained

    • Added CaseFunc1 to allow afmap of with Functor, etc.
    • Which is now also an instance of AFoldable.
    • Added NoConstraint which is useful for CaseFunc1 for unused constraints.
    • Added definitely.

    • Removed zilch.

    • Renamed prefix to consMany and postfix to snocMany.

    • Removed Read instance for Which [] since it is uninhabitable.
    • xxxTag functions only rely on UniqueMember, not UniqueLabelMember

    • Renamed fetch to grab to avoid conflicting with Haxl.
    • Removed unused type functions from removed splitting functions (Before,To,After,From,Length)
    • Added impossible' and ability to diversify and reinterpret Which '[Void]
    • Added zilch
    • Removed CanAppendUnique (not useful).

    • Simplified type synonyms for Which. Added Reinterpreted constraint synonym.

    • Breaking change: the prime (xxx’) version of functions are now consistently the simpler or non-polymorphic version.
      • This is more consistent with Control.Lens as well.
      • This means the following are swapped:
        • replace, replace'
        • replaceL, replaceL'
        • replaceTag, replaceTag'
        • replaceN, replaceN'
        • amend, amend'
        • amendL, amendL'
        • amendN, amendN'
    • Breaking change: Removed proxy argument from fetchL/Tag/N, replaceXXX, selectL/Tag/N, amendXXX, pickL/Tag/N, trialL/Tag/N relying soley on TypeApplications and now requiring AllowAmbiguousTypes. The Proxy is also removed from the Read/Show serialized format.
    • Rearranged type variables in fetchL/N, replaceL/Tag/N, pickL/Tag/N, trialL/Tag/N type parameters, so the type variable ordering is consistently label, orig to change, smaller to larger, ie. l/n, x, y, xs

    • Removed splitting operations added in
    • added xxxTag version of label operations that also automatically untags the field.

    • PolyKinds for Which
    • Removed cabal upper bounds

    • Added insert/remove for GHC < 8.2
    • Removed type functions UniqueMemberAt, MaybeUniqueMemberAt

    • insert/remove is not available in GHC 8.2 onwards.

    • Rerranged type variable for xxxL and xxxN functions so that the x inferrred from label l or index n is after proxy.
      • This affects fetch[L|N], replace[L|N], replace[L|N]', pick[L|N]
    • Depends on at least containers- for Data.Sequence.insertAt
    • Added splitting operations: split[Before|After][|L|N], inset[Before|After][|L|N], insert[Before|After][|L|N], remove[Before|After][|L|N]
    • Renamed type function Without to Remove to be consistent with new remove method.


    • Added CaseTypeable' as an example of polymorphic Case that doesn’t change the type.

    • The exposed api shouldn’t break, but there are a lot of internal changes.
    • Added AFunctor which can map over the types in the ‘Many’
    • Added friendlier type synomyns Collect and CollectN for collect and collectN
    • Expose type of ‘Collector’ and ‘CollectorN’
    • Replace type parameter r from Case typeclass with CaseResult type family.
    • Replaced CasesResult type function with IsAll and CasesResults type functions.
    • All CaseXxx type variables now end with r xs.
    • All CaseXxxN type variables now end with r n xs.

    • Added impossible modelled after Data.Void.absurd
    • Removed zilch so Which '[] is uninhabited like Data.Void.Void, making ‘impossible’ safe to use.
    • Removed Monoid and changed Show, Read and Generic instances for Which '[] to be partial just like Data.Void.Void.
    • Added instance Reduce (Which '[]) (Switcher c '[] r), which follows from impossible.

    • Renamed Switch to Switcher. Switch is now a type synonym for switch constraints
    • Added CasesResult type family to help infer the result of cases
    • Added Semigroup and Monoid instances for all Many xs.
    • Added Maybe versions of trial, and reinterpret
    • Renamed reinterpetN to reinterpretN'
    • Renamed impossible to zilch.
    • Allowed reintepreting and diversifying zilch to zilch
    • Removed zipped type variable from Amend constraints.
    • Removed r type variable from Reduce typeclass.
    • Rearranged type variables in fetch, replace, pick, trial, Diversify type parameters, so the type variable ordering is consistently smaller to larger, ie. x, xs, branch, tree
    • Added diversify' for allowing rearranging the types only.

    • Fixed GHC 8.2.1 test failure due to changed TypeRep show instance.

    • Breaking changes: Renamed Many.sliceL/R to Many.viewf/b
    • Renamed TypeLevel.Internal.MissingImpl to IsUniqueImpl.
    • Added postifx’ with SnocUnique and append’ with AppendUnique.
    • Added Semigroup & Monoid instances for Many '[] and Which '[]
    • Fixed GHC 8.2 compile error with importing GHC.Prim (Any)

    • Added NFData instance for Which.
    • Forgot to expose Many.sliceL and Many.sliceR.

    • Changed internal representation to (Data.Seq Any) for a further 2x append speedup.
    • Added NFData instance for Many.

    • Removed NOINLINE pragmas.
    • Changed internal representation to (Int, Data.IntMap Any) for a 2.5x append speedup.

    • Moved lens to data-diverse-lens

    • Renamed type level functions module from Type to TypeLevel

    • Removed Emit typeclass, breaking renames. Added label accessors.

    • Initial version represented as (Int, Data.Map Int Any)




    • Removed totally. Added CaseFunc1_

    • Renamed definitely to totally.


    • Renamed Unconstrained to C0. Added C2, C3, C4, C5, C6.

    • Renamed NoConstraint to Unconstrained

    • Added CaseFunc1 to allow afmap of with Functor, etc.
    • Which is now also an instance of AFoldable.
    • Added NoConstraint which is useful for CaseFunc1 for unused constraints.
    • Added definitely.

    • Removed zilch.

    • Renamed prefix to consMany and postfix to snocMany.

    • Removed Read instance for Which [] since it is uninhabitable.
    • xxxTag functions only rely on UniqueMember, not UniqueLabelMember

    • Renamed fetch to grab to avoid conflicting with Haxl.
    • Removed unused type functions from removed splitting functions (Before,To,After,From,Length)
    • Added impossible' and ability to diversify and reinterpret Which '[Void]
    • Added zilch
    • Removed CanAppendUnique (not useful).

    • Simplified type synonyms for Which. Added Reinterpreted constraint synonym.

    • Breaking change: the prime (xxx’) version of functions are now consistently the simpler or non-polymorphic version.
      • This is more consistent with Control.Lens as well.
      • This means the following are swapped:
        • replace, replace'
        • replaceL, replaceL'
        • replaceTag, replaceTag'
        • replaceN, replaceN'
        • amend, amend'
        • amendL, amendL'
        • amendN, amendN'
    • Breaking change: Removed proxy argument from fetchL/Tag/N, replaceXXX, selectL/Tag/N, amendXXX, pickL/Tag/N, trialL/Tag/N relying soley on TypeApplications and now requiring AllowAmbiguousTypes. The Proxy is also removed from the Read/Show serialized format.
    • Rearranged type variables in fetchL/N, replaceL/Tag/N, pickL/Tag/N, trialL/Tag/N type parameters, so the type variable ordering is consistently label, orig to change, smaller to larger, ie. l/n, x, y, xs

    • Removed splitting operations added in
    • added xxxTag version of label operations that also automatically untags the field.

    • PolyKinds for Which
    • Removed cabal upper bounds

    • Added insert/remove for GHC < 8.2
    • Removed type functions UniqueMemberAt, MaybeUniqueMemberAt

    • insert/remove is not available in GHC 8.2 onwards.

    • Rerranged type variable for xxxL and xxxN functions so that the x inferrred from label l or index n is after proxy.
      • This affects fetch[L|N], replace[L|N], replace[L|N]', pick[L|N]
    • Depends on at least containers- for Data.Sequence.insertAt
    • Added splitting operations: split[Before|After][|L|N], inset[Before|After][|L|N], insert[Before|After][|L|N], remove[Before|After][|L|N]
    • Renamed type function Without to Remove to be consistent with new remove method.


    • Added CaseTypeable' as an example of polymorphic Case that doesn’t change the type.

    • The exposed api shouldn’t break, but there are a lot of internal changes.
    • Added AFunctor which can map over the types in the ‘Many’
    • Added friendlier type synomyns Collect and CollectN for collect and collectN
    • Expose type of ‘Collector’ and ‘CollectorN’
    • Replace type parameter r from Case typeclass with CaseResult type family.
    • Replaced CasesResult type function with IsAll and CasesResults type functions.
    • All CaseXxx type variables now end with r xs.
    • All CaseXxxN type variables now end with r n xs.

    • Added impossible modelled after Data.Void.absurd
    • Removed zilch so Which '[] is uninhabited like Data.Void.Void, making ‘impossible’ safe to use.
    • Removed Monoid and changed Show, Read and Generic instances for Which '[] to be partial just like Data.Void.Void.
    • Added instance Reduce (Which '[]) (Switcher c '[] r), which follows from impossible.

    • Renamed Switch to Switcher. Switch is now a type synonym for switch constraints
    • Added CasesResult type family to help infer the result of cases
    • Added Semigroup and Monoid instances for all Many xs.
    • Added Maybe versions of trial, and reinterpret
    • Renamed reinterpetN to reinterpretN'
    • Renamed impossible to zilch.
    • Allowed reintepreting and diversifying zilch to zilch
    • Removed zipped type variable from Amend constraints.
    • Removed r type variable from Reduce typeclass.
    • Rearranged type variables in fetch, replace, pick, trial, Diversify type parameters, so the type variable ordering is consistently smaller to larger, ie. x, xs, branch, tree
    • Added diversify' for allowing rearranging the types only.

    • Fixed GHC 8.2.1 test failure due to changed TypeRep show instance.

    • Breaking changes: Renamed Many.sliceL/R to Many.viewf/b
    • Renamed TypeLevel.Internal.MissingImpl to IsUniqueImpl.
    • Added postifx’ with SnocUnique and append’ with AppendUnique.
    • Added Semigroup & Monoid instances for Many '[] and Which '[]
    • Fixed GHC 8.2 compile error with importing GHC.Prim (Any)

    • Added NFData instance for Which.
    • Forgot to expose Many.sliceL and Many.sliceR.

    • Changed internal representation to (Data.Seq Any) for a further 2x append speedup.
    • Added NFData instance for Many.

    • Removed NOINLINE pragmas.
    • Changed internal representation to (Int, Data.IntMap Any) for a 2.5x append speedup.

    • Moved lens to data-diverse-lens

    • Renamed type level functions module from Type to TypeLevel

    • Removed Emit typeclass, breaking renames. Added label accessors.

    • Initial version represented as (Int, Data.Map Int Any)