
Set breakpoints using a GHC plugin

Version on this page:
LTS Haskell 22.33:
Stackage Nightly 2024-09-07:
Latest on Hackage:

See all snapshots breakpoint appears in

MIT licensed by Aaron Allen
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:breakpoint-,1829

Module documentation for

A plugin that allows you to set breakpoints for debugging purposes.

See the README for details.


Revision history for breakpoint – 2023-03-12

  • Support GHC 9.6.x – 2022-11-18

  • breakpoint and queryVars include a *result binding in their output
  • Fix a bug breaking Windows compatibility
  • Fix a bug with overlapping breakpoints and timeouts – 2022-11-02

  • Support IsString version of string literals in excludeVars – 2022-10-30

  • Support for GHC 9.4.*
  • Values are pretty printed using pretty-simple
  • Timeouts are suspended during breakpoints for GHC >= 9.2 and non-windows
  • Fix a bug with monadic binds in do blocks
  • Variable names are no longer visible in their definition body
  • Adds excludeVars to ingore a list of vars, especially those that don’t compile – YYYY-mm-dd

  • First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.