
TOML 1.0.0 parser

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LTS Haskell 22.33:
Stackage Nightly 2024-09-07:
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ISC licensed by Eric Mertens
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:toml-parser-,3366
Used by 1 package in nightly-2023-12-02(full list with versions):

TOML Parser

This package implements a validating parser for TOML 1.0.0.

This package uses an alex-generated lexer and happy-generated parser.

It also provides a pair of classes for serializing into and out of TOML.

Package Structure

title: Package Structure
    classDef important font-weight:bold;

    TOML:::important --> ApplicationTypes:::important : decode
    ApplicationTypes --> TOML : encode
    TOML --> [Token]: Toml.Lexer
    [Token] --> [Expr]: Toml.Parser
    [Expr] --> Table : Toml.Semantics
    Table --> ApplicationTypes : Toml.FromValue
    ApplicationTypes --> Table : Toml.ToValue
    Table --> TOML : Toml.Pretty

The highest-level interface to this package is to define FromValue and ToTable instances for your application-specific datatypes. These can be used with encode and decode to convert to and from TOML.

For low-level access to the TOML format, the lexer, parser, and validator are available for direct use. The diagram above shows how the different modules enable you to advance through the increasingly high-level TOML representations.


This file uses markdown-unlit to ensure that its code typechecks and stays in sync with the rest of the package.

import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import QuoteStr (quoteStr)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, hspec, it, shouldBe)
import Toml (parse, decode, encode, Value(..))
import Toml.FromValue (Result(Success), FromValue(fromValue), parseTableFromValue, reqKey)
import Toml.FromValue.Generic (genericParseTable)
import Toml.ToValue (ToValue(toValue), ToTable(toTable), defaultTableToValue, table, (.=))
import Toml.ToValue.Generic (genericToTable)

main :: IO ()
main = hspec (parses >> decodes >> encodes)

Using the raw parser

Consider this sample TOML text from the TOML specification.

fruitStr :: String
fruitStr = [quoteStr|
name = "apple"

[fruits.physical]  # subtable
color = "red"
shape = "round"

[[fruits.varieties]]  # nested array of tables
name = "red delicious"

name = "granny smith"

name = "banana"

name = "plantain"

Parsing using this package generates the following value

parses :: Spec
parses = it "parses" $
    parse fruitStr
    Right (table [
        ("fruits", Array [
            Table (table [
                ("name", String "apple"),
                ("physical", Table (table [
                    ("color", String "red"),
                    ("shape", String "round")])),
                ("varieties", Array [
                    Table (table [("name", String "red delicious")]),
                    Table (table [("name", String "granny smith")])])]),
            Table (table [
                ("name", String "banana"),
                ("varieties", Array [
                    Table (table [("name", String "plantain")])])])])])

Using decoding classes

Here’s an example of defining datatypes and deserializers for the TOML above. The FromValue typeclass is used to encode each datatype into a TOML value. Instances can be derived for simple record types. More complex examples can be manually derived.

newtype Fruits = Fruits { fruits :: [Fruit] }
    deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

data Fruit = Fruit { name :: String, physical :: Maybe Physical, varieties :: [Variety] }
    deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

data Physical = Physical { color :: String, shape :: String }
    deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

newtype Variety = Variety String
    deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

instance FromValue Fruits where
    fromValue = parseTableFromValue genericParseTable

instance FromValue Fruit where
    fromValue = parseTableFromValue genericParseTable

instance FromValue Physical where
    fromValue = parseTableFromValue (Physical <$> reqKey "color" <*> reqKey "shape")

instance FromValue Variety where
    fromValue = parseTableFromValue (Variety <$> reqKey "name")

We can run this example on the original value to deserialize it into domain-specific datatypes.

decodes :: Spec
decodes = it "decodes" $
    decode fruitStr
    Success [] (Fruits [
            (Just (Physical "red" "round"))
            [Variety "red delicious", Variety "granny smith"],
        Fruit "banana" Nothing [Variety "plantain"]])

Using encoding classes

The ToValue class is for all datatypes that can be encoded into TOML. The more specialized ToTable class is for datatypes that encode into tables and are thus elligible to be top-level types (all TOML documents are tables at the top-level).

Generics can be used to derive ToTable for simple record types. Manually defined instances are available for the more complex cases.

instance ToValue Fruits   where toValue = defaultTableToValue
instance ToValue Fruit    where toValue = defaultTableToValue
instance ToValue Physical where toValue = defaultTableToValue
instance ToValue Variety  where toValue = defaultTableToValue

instance ToTable Fruits   where toTable = genericToTable
instance ToTable Fruit    where toTable = genericToTable
instance ToTable Physical where toTable x = table ["color" .= color x, "shape" .= shape x]
instance ToTable Variety  where toTable (Variety x) = table ["name" .= x]

encodes :: Spec
encodes = it "encodes" $
    show (encode (Fruits [Fruit
            (Just (Physical "red" "round"))
            [Variety "red delicious", Variety "granny smith"]]))
    `shouldBe` [quoteStr|
        name = "apple"

        color = "red"
        shape = "round"

        name = "red delicious"

        name = "granny smith"|]

More Examples

A demonstration of using this package at a more realistic scale can be found in HieDemoSpec. The various unit test files demonstrate what you can do with this library and what outputs you can expect.

See the low-level operations used to build a TOML syntax highlighter in TomlHighlighter.


Revision history for toml-parser

  • Added Toml.Semantics.Ordered for preserving input TOML orderings
  • Added support for pretty-printing multi-line strings – 2023-07-16

  • Make more structured error messages available in the low-level modules. Consumers of the Toml module can keep getting simple error strings and users interested in structured errors can run the different layers independently to get more detailed error reporting.
  • FromValue and ToValue instances for: Ratio, NonEmpty, Seq
  • Add FromKey and ToKey for allowing codecs for Map to use various key types. – 2023-07-12

  • Added Toml.Pretty.prettyTomlOrdered to allow user-specified section ordering.
  • Added FromValue and ToValue instances for Text
  • Added reqKeyOf and optKeyOf for easier custom matching without FromValue instances. – 2023-07-09

  • Remove FromTable class. This class existed for things that could be matched specifically from tables, which is what the top-level values always are. However FromValue already handles this, and both classes can fail, so having the extra level of checking doesn’t avoid failure. It does, however, create a lot of noise generating instances. Note that ToTable continues to exist because toTable isn’t allowed to fail, and when serializing to TOML syntax you can only serialize top-level tables.

  • Extracted Toml.FromValue.Matcher and Toml.FromValue.ParseTable into their own modules.

  • Add pickKey, liftMatcher, inKey, inIndex, parseTableFromValue to Toml.FromValue

  • Replace genericFromTable with genericParseTable. The intended way to derive a FromValue instance is now to write:

    instance FromValue T where fromValue = parseTableFromValue genericParseTable – 2023-07-03

  • Add support for GHC 8.10.7 and 9.0.2 – 2023-07-03

  • Add Toml.FromValue.Generic and Toml.ToValue.Generic
  • Add Alternative instance to Matcher and support multiple error messages in Result
  • Add Data and Generic instances for Value – 2023-07-01

  • Add ToTable and ToValue instances for Map
  • Refine error messages
  • More test coverage – 2023-06-29

  • Complete rewrite including 1.0.0 compliance and pretty-printing. – 2017-05-04

  • First version.