
Extract and create tar files using conduit for streaming


Version on this page:0.4.0
LTS Haskell 22.33:0.4.1
Stackage Nightly 2024-09-07:0.4.1
Latest on Hackage:0.4.1

See all snapshots tar-conduit appears in

MIT licensed by Michael Snoyman
This version can be pinned in stack with:tar-conduit-0.4.0@sha256:f333649770f5ec42a83a93b0d424cf6bb895d80dfbee05a54340395f81d036ae,3126

Module documentation for 0.4.0

Please see README.md. This is just filler to avoid warnings.


ChangeLog for tar-conduit

0.4.0 - 2023-08-07

  • untarChunks and untar now provide partial support for the pax interchange format, by applying pax header blocks and certain keywords in pax extended headers. Exposes applyPaxChunkHeaders. Also exposes untarChunksRaw and untarRaw, which do not apply pax header blocks and extended headers. - 2023-06-25

  • unix-2.8 compatibility #32

0.3.2 - 2019-01-14

  • Create a prefix directory whenever a directory type entry is missing from the tarball itself. Fixes #26.

0.3.1 - 2018-11-19

  • Fixed modification time restoration on Windows for read-only files #25.

0.3.0 - 2018-08-28

  • Support for FTHardLink restoration, but not creation yet.
  • Restoring files made even more lenient with creation of full directory path if any parents of it are missing.

0.2.5 - 2018-08-28

  • Exported untarWithExceptions, restoreFileIntoLenient

0.2.4 - 2018-08-27

  • Use forward slashes on Windows too, see issue #21
  • Addition of extractTarballLenient and restoreFileWithErrors - 2018-06-06

0.2.3 - 2018-02-10

  • Fixed compatibility with new conduit >= 1.3.0

0.2.2 - 2018-02-06

  • Fixed proper unicode filepaths handling.
  • Fixed restoration of symbolic links.
  • Fixed restoring files with long names (>255), that use GNU tar format.
  • Utilizing GNU tar standard implemented support for long (>2097151) values of OwnerId, GroupId, DeviceMinor and DeviceMajor values, as well as (>8589934591) for FileSize and ModificationTime. Thus removing the 8GB size limitation, allowing negative timestamps and fixing compatibility with systems that use UID and GID in the higher range.
  • Expose withFileInfo.
  • Improved error reporting.

0.2.1 - 2018-02-03

  • Expose untarChunks

0.2.0 - 2018-01-23

  • Implemented tarball creation.
  • Introduced FileInfo datatype that makes it easier to work with archives by automatically handling tar specific blocks and applying them to FileInfo.
  • Full support for ustar format.
  • Support for GNU tar features: long file name. Discardes unsupported.
  • Helper tar/untar functions for dealing directly with the filesystem.

0.1.1 - 2017-05-31

  • Allow checksums to have leading spaces (PR 8)

0.1.0 - 2016-11-03

  • Initial release