
Parsing and evaluating typst syntax.

Version on this page:
LTS Haskell 22.33:
Stackage Nightly 2024-09-07:
Latest on Hackage:

See all snapshots typst appears in

BSD-3-Clause licensed by John MacFarlane
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:typst-,3936

Module documentation for

A library for parsing and evaluating typst syntax. Typst (https://typst.app) is a document layout and formatting language. This library targets typst 0.7 and currently offers only partial support.


Revision history for typst-hs

  • Fix resolution of symbols (#15). Symbols like dot, which only have variants, were not being properly resolved: we were getting the last matching variant rather than the first.

  • Avoid text’s readFile in cli app (#13). Instead read as bytestring and force interpretation as UTF-8.

  • Fix some parser edge cases involving emphasis after ' (#12).

  • Add metadata element.

  • Add dedup method for vector.

  • Add math.class

  • Make MAttach on symbols include limits if symbol is relation. This is a 0.7 change: “Changed relations to show attachments as limits by default (e.g. in $a ->^x b$).”

  • Add Typst.MathClass.

  • Add im, id, tr text operators.

  • Parse math symbol shorthands as identifiers.

  • Use typst-symbols 0.1.4 so we get all of the defined shorthands.

  • Fix tests because of breaking symbol change ident -> equiv.

  • Depend on dev texmath.

  • Allow multiplying a ratio by a length.

  • Use symModule and mathModule directly when evaluating Equation instead of looking up sym and math.

  • Fix parsing of escapes in string literals. Symbols in general can’t be escaped. There is just a small list of valid escapes.

  • Fix bugs in converting typst regexes to TDFA’s format.

  • Allow Symbol to be regex replacement text.

  • Allow VString and VSymbol to be +’d.

  • Update for toml-parser- API changes (#9, Eric Mertens).

  • Derive the decoder for typst.toml (#7, Eric Mertens)

  • Implement typst’s toml() function (#8, Eric Mertens).

  • We now target typst 0.6.

  • joinVals - fall back on repr when as a fallback in joining values.

  • Fix a spacing issue in parsing code inside equations (#6).

  • Fix #include. It wasn’t including content!

  • Fix issue with math parsing of factorial (#5).

  • Handle “style” by evaluating it immediately, rather than passing it through as an element in content (#4).

  • Add outline.entry.

  • Allow identifiers to start with _.

  • Fix bug in parsing consecutive ‘#’ expressions in math function (#2).

  • Fix bugs in makeLiteralRE.

  • Give namedArg an argument for a default value. This avoids spurious parse error messages.

  • Change return value of dictionary insert method to none.

  • Improve #panic output.

  • [API change]: Add Spreadable type in Typst.Syntax. Use this for Dict and Array values.

  • Handle package lookup, assuming packages are either local or cached.

  • API change: combine IO operations into Operations structure. evaluateTypst now takes a single Operations dictionary instead of separate loadBytes and currentUTCTime functions. And Operations now also includes functions to query environment variables and check directories. This will be needed for package lookup.

  • Depend on typst-symbols 0.1.2.

  • Make factorial take priority over fraction.

  • We now target typst 0.5.

  • Implement methods for datetime.

  • Implement base parameter on str.

  • Add datetime constructor.

  • Implement datetime.today.

  • Add VDateTime type.

  • Implement fields method on content.

  • Add display, inline, script, sscript to math module.

  • Add str.to-unicode, str.from-unicode.

  • Add calc.ln and calc.exp.

  • Remove deprecated calc.mod.

  • Depend on typst-symbols 0.1.1.

  • First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.