
Trivial monad transformer that allows identical monad stacks to have different types


LTS Haskell 22.38:0.1.4@rev:1
Stackage Nightly 2024-10-11:0.1.4@rev:1
Latest on Hackage:0.1.4@rev:1

See all snapshots tagged-identity appears in

BSD-3-Clause licensed and maintained by Mark Karpov
This version can be pinned in stack with:tagged-identity-0.1.4@sha256:46b90f6038b75e2051d1b2ef6a2d424bcfe25120ebe7a2e66ccaaf7f8af6270f,1367

Module documentation for 0.1.4

Depends on 3 packages(full list with versions):

Tagged Identity

License BSD3 Hackage Stackage Nightly Stackage LTS CI

The library provides a monad transformer that works just like IdentityT, but can be tagged at the type level. This allows us to work with monad stacks as usual, except we can make two identical monad stacks to have different types. The main application for this is, of course, the ability to have different instances for otherwise identical stacks without having to do newtype wrapping.


Issues, bugs, and questions may be reported in the GitHub issue tracker for this project.

Pull requests are also welcome.


Copyright © 2016–present Mark Karpov

Distributed under BSD 3 clause license.


Tagged Identity 0.1.4

  • Builds with GHC 9.6.

Tagged Identity 0.1.3

  • Dropped support for GHC 7.10.

  • Made TaggedT poly-kinded, like Tagged.

Tagged Identity 0.1.2

  • Minor documentation and metadata updates.

Tagged Identity 0.1.1

  • Fixed badges in README.md file.

Tagged Identity 0.1.0

  • Initial release.