BSD-3-Clause licensed by Mitchell Rosen
This version can be pinned in stack with:termbox-bindings-hs-1.0.0@sha256:64af77a700fa6ade4934615c1fcc6cc3aa56d8bca0b6e60d86b1320deb99c600,2417

Module documentation for 1.0.0

Used by 1 package in nightly-2024-02-11(full list with versions):

This package provides bindings to termbox, a simple C library for writing text-based user interfaces:

See also:


[1.0.0] - November 14, 2023

  • Rework Tb_attr and Tb_color into Tb_attrs
  • Rework Tb_select_input_mode and Tb_input_mode
  • Rework Tb_select_output_mode and Tb_output_mode
  • Make mod field of Tb_event a Maybe Tb_event_mod rather than a Tb_event_mod
  • Make Show instance of Tb_key not call error on unknown keys
  • Improve Show instance of Tb_event_mod, Tb_input_mode
  • Hide representation of Tb_event_mod
  • Add Exception instance for Tb_init_error
  • Remove tb_attr
  • Remove Ord instances of Tb_cell, Tb_event, Tb_event_mod, Tb_event_type, Tb_init_error, Tb_input_mode, Tb_output_mode

[0.1.1] - November 5, 2023

  • Add Monoid instance for Tb_attr

[0.1.0] - October 25, 2022

  • Initial release