
Memory-efficient representation of Unicode text strings

LTS Haskell 22.39:0.1.6@rev:2
Stackage Nightly 2024-10-23:0.1.6@rev:2
Latest on Hackage:0.1.6@rev:2

See all snapshots text-short appears in

BSD-3-Clause licensed by Herbert Valerio Riedel
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:text-short-0.1.6@sha256:5953dc14c71b6047edab2dc89e922678ff5cbe2e98d16b9e7078150083940be4,2812

Module documentation for 0.1.6

This package provides the ShortText type which is suitable for keeping many short strings in memory. This is similiar to how ShortByteString relates to ByteString.

The main difference between Text and ShortText is that ShortText doesn't support zero-copy slicing (thereby saving 2 words), and, compared to text-1.*, that it uses UTF-8 instead of UTF-16 internally. Consequently, the memory footprint of a (boxed) ShortText value is 4 words (2 words when unboxed) plus the length of the UTF-8 encoded payload.



  • Drop support for GHC prior 8.6.5
  • Support GHC-9.10 (base-4.21)


  • text-2.0 support



  • Add Data ShortText instance

  • Define Typeable ShortText also for GHC 7.8 as well (NB: for GHC 7.10.3 and up Typeable instances are automatically defined even when not mentioned explicitly in a deriving clause)

  • Add equivalent verb Data.Text.split to Data.Text.Short API

    split :: (Char -> Bool) -> ShortText -> [ShortText]


  • Add IsList ShortText and PrintfArg ShortText instances

  • Expose partial functions via new Data.Text.Short.Partial module

    foldl1 :: (Char -> Char -> Char) -> ShortText -> Char
    foldl1' :: (Char -> Char -> Char) -> ShortText -> Char
    foldr1 :: (Char -> Char -> Char) -> ShortText -> Char
    head :: ShortText -> Char
    index :: ShortText -> Int -> Char
    init :: ShortText -> ShortText
    last :: ShortText -> Char
    tail :: ShortText -> ShortText
  • Add several Data.Text verbs to Data.Text.Short API

    (!?) :: ShortText -> Int -> Maybe Char
    all :: (Char -> Bool) -> ShortText -> Bool
    any :: (Char -> Bool) -> ShortText -> Bool
    append :: ShortText -> ShortText -> ShortText
    break :: (Char -> Bool) -> ShortText -> (ShortText, ShortText)
    breakEnd :: (Char -> Bool) -> ShortText -> (ShortText, ShortText)
    concat :: [ShortText] -> ShortText
    cons :: Char -> ShortText -> ShortText
    drop :: Int -> ShortText -> ShortText
    dropAround :: (Char -> Bool) -> ShortText -> ShortText
    dropEnd :: Int -> ShortText -> ShortText
    dropWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> ShortText -> ShortText
    dropWhileEnd :: (Char -> Bool) -> ShortText -> ShortText
    empty :: ShortText
    filter :: (Char -> Bool) -> ShortText -> ShortText
    find :: (Char -> Bool) -> ShortText -> Maybe Char
    findIndex :: (Char -> Bool) -> ShortText -> Maybe Int
    foldl :: (a -> Char -> a) -> a -> ShortText -> a
    foldl' :: (a -> Char -> a) -> a -> ShortText -> a
    foldr :: (Char -> a -> a) -> a -> ShortText -> a
    indexEndMaybe :: ShortText -> Int -> Maybe Char
    indexMaybe :: ShortText -> Int -> Maybe Char
    intercalate :: ShortText -> [ShortText] -> ShortText
    intersperse :: Char -> ShortText -> ShortText
    isPrefixOf :: ShortText -> ShortText -> Bool
    isSuffixOf :: ShortText -> ShortText -> Bool
    pack :: [Char] -> ShortText
    replicate :: Int -> ShortText -> ShortText
    reverse :: ShortText -> ShortText
    singleton :: Char -> ShortText
    snoc :: ShortText -> Char -> ShortText
    span :: (Char -> Bool) -> ShortText -> (ShortText, ShortText)
    spanEnd :: (Char -> Bool) -> ShortText -> (ShortText, ShortText)
    splitAt :: Int -> ShortText -> (ShortText, ShortText)
    splitAtEnd :: Int -> ShortText -> (ShortText, ShortText)
    stripPrefix :: ShortText -> ShortText -> Maybe ShortText
    stripSuffix :: ShortText -> ShortText -> Maybe ShortText
    take :: Int -> ShortText -> ShortText
    takeEnd :: Int -> ShortText -> ShortText
    takeWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> ShortText -> ShortText
    takeWhileEnd :: (Char -> Bool) -> ShortText -> ShortText
    uncons :: ShortText -> Maybe (Char, ShortText)
    unpack :: ShortText -> [Char]
    unsnoc :: ShortText -> Maybe (ShortText, Char)
  • Optimise low-level primitives

  • Add support for GHC 8.4


  • Expose unsafe conversion API via Data.Text.Short.Unsafe module
  • Minor documentation improvement


  • First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.