
Easy to use library for building Telegram bots. Exports Telegram Bot API.

LTS Haskell 21.25:6.7.1
Stackage Nightly 2024-09-19:7.4
Latest on Hackage:7.4

See all snapshots telegram-bot-api appears in

BSD-3-Clause licensed by Nickolay Kudasov
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:telegram-bot-api-7.4@sha256:1990c94851bef9210d8f711fea8ea0003cc0ba72b6b79485936a994883e57857,11238

Module documentation for 7.4

Please see the README on Github at

For official Bot API see Telegram Bot API at



7.4 – 2024-06-02

  • Types:
    • InlineQueryResult type extended with show_caption_above_media field.
    • provider_token field documentation was updated for InputMessageContent type.
    • InputMediaGeneric type extended with show_caption_above_media field.
    • Message type extended with effect_id, show_caption_above_media fields.
    • MessageEntity type extended with MessageEntityExpandableBlockquote constructor.
  • Methods:
    • sendGame method request extended with message_effect_id field.
    • copyMessage method request extended with show_caption_above_media field.
    • editMessageCaption method request extended with show_caption_above_media field.
    • sendAnimation method request extended with message_effect_id, show_caption_above_media fields.
    • sendAudio method request extended with message_effect_id field.
    • sendContact method request extended with message_effect_id field.
    • sendDice method request extended with message_effect_id field.
    • sendDocument method request extended with message_effect_id field.
    • sendLocation method request extended with message_effect_id field.
    • sendMediaGroup method request extended with message_effect_id field.
    • sendMessage method request extended with message_effect_id field.
    • sendPhoto method request extended with message_effect_id, show_caption_above_media fields.
    • sendPoll method request extended with message_effect_id field.
    • sendPoll method request extended with message_effect_id field.
    • sendSticker method request extended with message_effect_id field.
    • sendVideo method request extended with message_effect_id, show_caption_above_media fields.
    • sendVideoNote method request extended with message_effect_id field.
    • sendVoice method request extended with message_effect_id, show_caption_above_media fields.
    • provider_token field documentation was updated for createInvoiceLink method.
    • provider_token field documentation was updated for sendInvoice method.
    • refundStarPayment method added.

7.3.1 – 2024-05-26

  • Fix parsers for InlineQueryResult, BackgroundType, ChatBoostSource, MessageOrigin.

7.3 – 2024-05-25

  • Drop support GHC 8.10, 9.0, add support GHC 9.8, 9.10 (see #182).
  • Fix missing blockquote MessageEntityType (see #184).

Bot API 7.1 support

See #181.

  • Add ChatBoostAdded type.
  • Modify existing types: Chat, ChatAdministratorRights, Message, Story.

Bot API 7.2 support

See #182.

  • Add new types:
    • Birthdate, BusinessIntro, BusinessLocation, BusinessOpeningHours, BusinessOpeningHoursInterval, SharedUser.
  • Modify existing types: BusinessConnection, BusinessMessageDeleted, Chat, ChatShared, KeyboardButtonRequestChat, KeyboardButtonRequestUser, Message, InputSticker, UsersShared.
  • Add new methods:
    • GetBusinessConnection.
  • Modify existing methods (with business connection identifier mostly):
    • sendGameRequest, sendAnimation, sendAudio, sendChatAction, sendContact, sendDice, sendDocument, sendLocation, sendMediaGroup, sendMessage, sendPhoto, sendPoll, sendVenue, sendVideo, sendVideoNote, sendVoice, sendSticker.

Bot API 7.3 support

See #183.

  • Add new types:
    • BackgroundType, BackgroundFill, ChatBackground, InputPollOption.
  • Chat type split into Chat, ChatType and ChatFullInfo (most of Chat fields were moved there).
  • Modify existing types:
    • ChatMemberUpdated, GiveawayWinners, InlineKeyboardButton, Message, Poll, PollOption.
  • Modify existing methods:
    • editMessageLiveLocation, getChat, sendPoll.

7.0 – 2024-02-06

  • Support GHC 9.6 (see #163).

Bot API 6.8 support

See #165.

  • Add new methods:
    • unpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages.
  • Add new types:
    • Story.
  • Modify existing types:
    • Message, Chat, PollAnswer.

Bot API 6.9 support

See #168.

  • Modify methods:
    • promoteChatMember.
  • Modify types:
    • ChatMember.
    • ChatAdministratorRights
    • WriteAccessAllowed.

Bot API 7.0 support

See #169.

  • Reactions:
    • New types: ReactionType, ReactionCount, MessageReactionUpdated, MessageReactionCountUpdated.
    • Modified types: Chat.
    • New method: setMessageReaction.
  • Replies 2.0:
    • New types: ExternalReplyInfo, MessageOrigin, TextQuote, ReplyParameters.
    • Modified types: Message.
    • Modified methods: copyMessage, sendAnimation, sendAudio, sendContact, sendDice, sendDocument, sendGame, sendInvoice, sendLocation, sendMediaGroup, sendMessage, sendPhoto, sendPoll, sendSticler, sendVenue, sendVideo, sendVideoNote, sendVoice.
  • Link Preview Customization:
    • New type: LinkPreviewOptions.
    • Modified types: Message.
    • Modified methods: editMessage, sendMessage.
  • Multiple Message Actions:
    • New methods: copyMessages, deleteMessages and forwardMessages.
  • Request for multiple users:
    • Deteled type: KeyboardButtonRequestUser
    • New types: KeyboardButtonRequestUsers, UsersShared.
    • Modified types: KeyboardButton, Message.
  • Chat Boost:
    • New types: ChatBoost, ChatBoostRemoved, ChatBoostSource, ChatBoostUpdated, UserChatBoosts.
    • New methods: getUserChatBoosts.
  • Giveaway:
    • New types: Giveaway, GiveawayCompleted, GiveawayCreated, GiveawayWinners.
    • Modified type: Message.
  • Other changes:
    • Message could become inaccessible, see isInaccessibleMessage helper.
    • CallbackQuery documentation improved.
    • Chat type has been updated with extra fields, also enabled preliminary support of WebApp.

6.7.1 – 2023-06-26

  • Fix Inline Mode (see #157).

6.7 – 2023-04-29

Bot API 6.6 support

See #147 and #152.

  • Add new methods:

    • setMyDescription, getMyDecription, setMyShortDescription, getMyShortDescription.
    • setCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail, setStickerSetTitle, deleteStickerSet, setStickerEmojiList, setStickerKeywords, setStickerMaskPosition.
  • Modify following methods:

    • sendSticker (add emoji).
    • createNewStickerSet, addStickerToSet (sticker to stickers, introduced InputSticker).
    • uploadStickerFile (remove png_sticker and other formats, add sticker, sticker_format fields).
  • Rename thumb to thumbnail:

    • Types: Animation, Audio, Document, Sticker, Video, VideoNote, InputMediaAnimation, InputMediaAudio, InputMediaDocument, InputMediaVideo, StickerSet.
    • Inlines: InlineQueryResultPhoto, InlineQueryResultVideo, InlineQueryResultGif, InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif.
    • Methods: setStickerThumb (method renamed itself to setStickerThumbnail), sendAnimation, sendAudio, sendDocument, sendVideo, sendVideoNote,
  • Modify Sticker type: add needs_repainting field.

  • Breaking changes: Given the amount of Bot API changes, common record fields were moved tonew InlineQueryResultGeneric data type and all thumbnails were moved to new InlineQueryResultGenericThumbnail data type.

  • Migration guide:

    1. Provide InlineQueryResultGeneric (see defInlineQueryResultGeneric).
    2. Provide InlineQueryResultGenericThumbnail (see defInlineQueryResultGenericThumbnail).
    3. Specify your own InlineQueryResult (see helpers for each data constructor).

Bot API 6.7 support

See #155.

  • Modify answerInlineQuery method.
  • Modify WriteAccessAllowed data type.
  • Add missing method switchInlineQueryChosenChat.
  • Modify ChatMemberUpdated data type.
  • Add new methods: setMyName, getMyName.

6.5.1 – 2023-03-21

  • Add new methods getMyDescription, getMyShortDescription, setMyDescription, setMyShortDescription (see #141).
  • Re-export Forum, Games, Payments and Stickers in Telegram.Bot.API.Methods (see #143).

6.5 (Telegram Bot API 6.5)

  • Package was originated at 6.5.