MIT licensed by Daviti Nalchevanidze
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:morpheus-graphql-app-0.28.1@sha256:f397e571a5d45e3d69e1cbaf95c602db029b8723ad23726133d2198e953b5faa,9202

Module documentation for 0.28.1

Morpheus GraphQL App

provides utilities for creating executable GraphQL applications for servers. You can use it to create a schema-first GraphQL server with dynamic typings.

Build schema-first GraphQL App with dynamic typings

type Deity {
  name: String
  power: [String!]

type Query {
  deity(id: ID): Deity
deityResolver :: Monad m => NamedResolverFunction QUERY e m
deityResolver arg =
    [ ("name", pure "Morpheus"),
      ("power", pure $ list [enum "Shapeshifting"])

resolver :: Monad m => RootResolverValue e m
resolver =
    [ ( "Query", const $ object [("deity", ref "Deity" <$> getArgument "id")]),
      ("Deity", deityResolver)

api :: ByteString -> IO  ByteString
api query = do
  schema <- LBS.readFile "./schema.gql" >>= resultOr (fail . show) pure . parseSchema
  runApp (mkApp schema resolver) query



see latest changes on Github

0.19.0 - 21.03.2022

0.18.0 - 08.11.2021

0.17.0 (Initial Release) - 25.02.2021