This package provides efficient implementations of routines for applying bitwise XOR masks to binary data.
The currently supported operations (see Data.XOR API documentation for more details) are applying
8-bit wide XOR masks or
32-bit wide XOR masks
to binary data represented by
Strict ByteStrings,
Lazy ByteStrings,
ShortByteStrings (i.e. ByteArray#s), or
CStringLen (i.e. Ptrs).
The performance is comparable to portable ISO C99 implementations but this library is implemented as pure Haskell and is thereby compatible with compile targets such as GHCJS.
Andreas Abel, 2024-06-25
Drop support for GHC 7.
Tested with GHC 8.0 - 9.10.
Andreas Abel, 2023-07-19
Use copyBytes for deprecated memcpy as suggested by bytestring-0.11.5.