BSD-3-Clause licensed by wren gayle romano
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:exact-combinatorics-,1972

Module documentation for

Depends on 1 package(full list with versions):


Hackage version Build Status Dependencies

Efficient exact computation of combinatoric functions.


This is a simple package and should be easy to install via the standared method:

$> cabal install exact-combinatorics


An attempt has been made to keep this library as portable as possible. It is entirely Haskell98 with the exception of one use of BangPatterns. BangPatterns are supported in GHC as far back as version 6.6.1, and are also supported by JHC and UHC. As of 2010, they were not supported by Hugs; but alas Hugs is pretty much dead now.
