This koji-hs project provides the Haskell koji package,
a library with bindings to the Koji XML-RPC API.
It is a WIP: currently only querying koji is working,
ie login authentication or building etc is supported yet.
Build with stack or cabal new-build.
Due to haxr using HsOpenSSL, programs using this library
need to be linked with ghc-options: -threaded, otherwise
the ghc RTS will complain with a runtime error.
listBuilds now supports ‘pattern’ parameter available in Koji-1.24,
which can be used to glob match the nvr
(the rest of the 1.24 changes don’t affect the current koji-hs API)
0.0.1 (2021-04-15)
First Hackage release with higher level Distribution.Koji and
low level Distribution.Koji.API modules. Only query procedures.