BSD-3-Clause licensed by Duncan Coutts, Nicolas Wu, Edsko de Vries, Alexander Vershilov
Maintained by The Distributed Haskell team
This version can be pinned in stack with:network-transport-inmemory-0.5.41@sha256:a380c651255b9900bbb176842c1db853dcae8b4bda4787afa4375ebd252298f2,3086

Module documentation for 0.5.41

This is a transport implementation that could be used for local communication in the same address space (i.e. one process). . It could be used either for testing purposes or for local communication that require the network-transport semantics. . NB: network-tranpsport-inmemory does not support cross-transport communication. All endpoints that want to comminicate should be created using the same transport.