
A general framework to work with Symbolic Regression expression trees.

Version on this page:
LTS Haskell 23.1:
Stackage Nightly 2024-12-26:
Latest on Hackage:

See all snapshots srtree appears in

BSD-3-Clause licensed by Fabricio Olivetti de França
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:srtree-,1748

srtree: A symbolic regression expression tree structure.

srtree is a Haskell library with a data structure and supporting functions to manipulate expression trees for symbolic regression.

The tree-like structure is defined as a fixed-point of an n-ary tree. The variables and parameters of the regression model are indexed as Inttype and the constant values are Double.

The tree supports leaf nodes containing a variable, a free parameter, or a constant value; internal nodes that represents binary operators such as the four basic math operations, logarithm with custom base, and the power of two expressions; and unary functions specified by Function data type.

The SRTree structure has instances for Num, Fractional, Floating which allows to create an expression as a valid Haskell expression such as:

x = var 0)
y = var 1
expr = x * 2 + sin(y * pi + x) :: Fix SRTree

Other features:

  • derivative w.r.t. a variable (deriveByVar) and w.r.t. a parameter (deriveByParam)
  • evaluation (evalTree)
  • relabel free parameters sequentially (relabelParams)
  • gradient calculation with forwardMode, or optimized with gradParams if there is only a single occurrence of each parameter (most of the cases).


  • support more advanced functions
  • support conditional branching (IF-THEN-ELSE)


Changelog for srtree

  • Changed base and mtl versions

  • Removed benchmarking code that demanded more dependencies

  • Fixed issue with HUnit test

  • Export Fix from Data.SRTRee
  • paramsToConst function

  • Fix vector version bounds
  • Included benchmarking of ad package

  • Complete refactoring of source
  • We now work with the SRTree data type fixed point
  • Symbolic derivative by Param or Var
  • Forward mode autodiff
  • Optimized gradient calculation of parameters if each parameter occurs only once in the expression

  • countParams function

  • Better bounds for base (compatible with stackage nightly)

  • Implemented deriveParamBy to calculate the derivative by the parameters indexed by ix

  • Fixed compilation bug

  • Initial version