BSD-3-Clause licensed by Jacek Galowicz
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:hamtsolo-1.0.4@sha256:bd61a768bd0c8a46b759d21cb4095606df2e4ce50f7819b39bd2c442b07cfbd8,1659

Module documentation for 1.0.4

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Connect to an Intel computer with enabled AMT and establish a serial-over-lan (SOL) connection.

Does not support encryption. (Use Intel ME in small business mode.)


hamtsolo - An Intel AMT Serial-Over-LAN (SOL) client

Usage: hamtsolo [-u|--user <user>] [-p|--pass <password>] [--port <port>] <host>
  hamtsolo lets you connect to Intel computers with enabled AMT and establish a
  serial-over-lan (SOL) connection.

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text
  -u,--user <user>         Authentication user name (default: "admin")
  -p,--pass <password>     Authentication password (default: "Password123!")
  --port <port>            TCP connection port (default: 16994)
  <host>                   AMT host to connect to