BSD-3-Clause licensed by Tim Watson
Maintained by The Distributed Haskell team
This version can be pinned in stack with:distributed-process-async-0.2.10@sha256:001987c5b078a92a186dcd6ccafee74e57e0472cf9af762b614abf3580600032,3428

Module documentation for 0.2.10

This package provides a higher-level interface over Processes, in which an Async a is a concurrent, possibly distributed Process that will eventually deliver a value of type a. The package provides ways to create Async computations, wait for their results, and cancel them.


2024-10-30 David Simmons-Duffin [email protected] 0.2.10

  • Bump dependency bound for ansi-terminal

2024-10-30 Laurent P. René de Cotret [email protected] 0.2.9

  • Removed dependency on rematch (#459)

2024-09-03 Laurent P. René de Cotret [email protected] 0.2.8

  • Bumped dependency bounds to support GHC 8.10.7 - GHC 9.10.1
  • Updated links to point to Distributed Haskell monorepo

2024-03-25 David Simmons-Duffin [email protected] 0.2.7

  • Bump dependencies to build with ghc-9.8.

2018-06-14 Alexander Vershilov [email protected] 0.2.6

  • Update dependency bounds
  • Export all documented functions (Issue #9)

2016-02-16 Facundo Domínguez [email protected] 0.2.3

  • Update dependency bounds.


  • Added initial GenServer module
  • Added Timer Module
  • Moved time functions into Time.hs
  • Added Async API
  • Added GenProcess API (subsumes lower level GenServer API)