BSD-2-Clause licensed by Ashley Yakeley
Maintained by <[email protected]>
This version can be pinned in stack with:open-witness-0.7@sha256:5eb33f9ec31d170b972811cc904398eae8188a9153d7c0d529345056987ad722,3704

Open witnesses are witnesses that can witness to any type. However, they cannot be constructed, they can only be generated in the IO monad. See the 2008 draft paper Witnesses and Open Witnesses (


[0.7] - 2024-12-15

  • update for witness-0.7
  • fix for GHC 9.8, 9.10

[0.6] - 2022-05-10

  • update for witness-0.6
  • move module hierarchy
  • Witnessed now synonym for PairType IOWitness

[0.5] - 2020-09-22