FITS - Flexible Image Transport System
This project focuses on building a Haskell native parser for FITS files. This file format is used widely by Astronomers and those analyzing astronomical data. There is currently a C library called fitsio
and a Haskell wrapper for the library. However, this library can be cumbersome to use and the Haskell bindings are very thin and close to the metal of the fitsio
library. This project focuses on providing good Haskell bindings and datatypes by implementing the FITS spec directly in Haskell, without the need for a C library. The reference for this work comes from NASA in the US. Conformance is currently limited to the Version 4.0 specification with no extensions. See the NASA site for more details and to download the spec.
Reading Documentation
The readthedocs pages contain documentation for the examples.
The API Haddock docs for the master branch are
on github.io, release documentation will be on Hackage.
You can build the Haddocks for offline use with stack build --haddock
RTD Building
To build the readthedocs docs you need sphinx
. To install it
locally for a single user use pip
with the --user
option to install sphinx
and sphinx-rtd-theme
Alternatively, on Ubuntu you can install the python3-sphinx
and python3-sphinx-rtd-theme