Please feel free to contact me through github or on the #haskell IRC channel on
-Edward Kmett
4.4.3 [2025.03.03]
Drop support for pre-8.0 versions of GHC.
4.4.2 [2022.08.15]
Fix the build with mtl-2.3.1.
4.4.1 [2022.05.07]
Allow building with transformers-0.6.* and mtl-2.3.*.
4.4 [2018.01.28]
Added imapRep, ifoldMapRep, itraverseRep to make it easier to define representable FunctorWithIndex, FoldableWithIndex, TraversableWithIndex instances from the lens package.
Add GHC.Generics-based default implementation for Data.Functor.Rep.Representable instances
Add Data.Functor.Rep.Representable instances for Backwards, Reverse, and the datatypes in GHC.Generics.
Add Data.Functor.Adjunction.Adjunction instances for some datatypes in GHC.Generics
Add Data.Functor.Contravariant.Rep.Representable instances for U1 and (:*:) from GHC.Generics
Add collectRep and imapRep functions to Data.Functor.Rep.
Add MINIMAL pragmas to the Adjunction classes.
Allow free-5.
Removed a spurious superclass constraint for Applicative (StoreT g w)
GHC 8 support
comonad 5 support
Builds clean on GHC 7.10
semigroupoids 5 support.
profunctors 5 support.
contravariant 1.0 support. Day convolution moves to kan-extensions.
Silenced Control.Monad.Instances deprecation warnings on GHC 7.8
Added mfixRep to make it easier to define representable MonadFix instances.
Added mzipRep and mzipWithRep to make it easier to define representable MonadZip instances.
Added duplicateRepBy, extendRepBy and extractRepBy to make it easier to pick your own Monoid.
Minor documentation fixes.
Increased lower bound on contravariant to match the actual requirement.
Merged the contents of representable-functors.
Removed the dependency on keys.
Moved Data.Functor.Contravariant.Representable to Data.Functor.Contravariant.Rep and made the API mimic Data.Profunctor.Rep.
Moved Data.Functor.Representable to Data.Functor.Rep and made the API mimic Data.Profunctor.Rep.
Added Tagged and Proxy instances for Data.Functor.Rep.Representable
Added a Proxy instance for Data.Functor.Contravariant.Rep.Representable
Updated the array dependency
Marked modules appropriately Trustworthy.
Updated to representable-functors 3.1, which changed the API for contravariant representable functors.