gopher-proxy is a tiny wai application running on top of warp. It acts as a gopher-over-http proxy for a specific server, e. g. to http-ify a gopher space.
Example usage:
In this particular example, gopher-proxy would proxy the gopher server and bind its http service on (to be proxied to by another web server like nginx).
These are all optional flags which allow to change default behavior:
--port: The port of the gopher server, defaults to 70
--css-path: Use some specific css file instead of the default one.
--css-url: The http path of the css file, defaults to /gopher-proxy.css (should be changed, if your gopher server has a file with the same name
--base-url: The path of the directory which will appear as root directory of gopher-proxy to the user, defaults to /. Should be changed if you configured your proxying web server to expose gopher-proxy as, say /gopher-space/.
--listen-public: If this flag is set, gopher-proxy will accept connections on its public IP address(es).
--default-mime-type: Mime type to use if gopher-proxy can’t guess it, defaults to “application/octet-stream”
--timeout: connection timeout in milliseconds, defaults to 10 seconds.
--server-name: The server name of the server to proxy, defaults to the host name. This value is used to detect wether a menu item is pointing to another gopher server than the proxied one. This is particularly useful, if you use e. g. instead of the public host name.
--title: Sets the first part of the HTML title-tag, defaults to gopher-proxy.
Things to keep in mind
Your gopher server must send UTF-8-encoded gopher responses
gopher-proxy might misinterpret certain content, because of the context-sensitive nature of gopher
gopher-proxy does not support Gopher+
[ ] Add Logging
Revision history for gopher-proxy – 2021-10-25
Support (and require) attoparsec >= 0.14
Fix parsing of the --default-mime-type flag: Previoulsy the
Read instance was used and thus required the user to surround
the mime type with (extra) quotes.