
General purpose templates in haskell

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BSD-3-Clause licensed by Kyle Hanson
Maintained by [email protected]

Easy templating in haskell.

 import Control.Monad.IO.Class
 import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder as B
 import qualified Data.Text as T
 import Data.Time

 import Text.Strapped

 makeBucket :: Integer -> InputBucket IO
 makeBucket i = bucketFromList
       [ ("is", lit $ map (LitInteger) [1..i])
       , ("is_truthy", lit i)
       , ("ioTime", Func (\_ -> (liftIO $ getCurrentTime) >>= (\c -> return $ LitText $ T.pack $ show c)))

 main :: IO ()
 main = do
   tmpls <- templateStoreFromDirectory defaultConfig "examples/templates" ".strp"
   case tmpls of
     Left err -> print err
     Right store -> do
       rendered <- render (putStore store defaultConfig) (makeBucket 2) "base_simple.strp"
       either (print) (print . B.toByteString) rendered
 {$ inherits base.strp $}
 {$ isblock body $}
 An IO function to find the current time: ${ ioTime }
 {$ if is_truthy $}
     {$ inherits base.strp $}
     {$ isblock body $}
         Any block level can inherit from another template and override blocks.
     {$ endisblock $}
 {$ else $}
     Don't show me.
 {$ endif $}
 Taken from an includes:
 {$ include includes/includes.strp $}
 Lets count...
 {$ for i in is $}
     ${ i }
 {$ endfor $}
 {$ endisblock $}