
Fast parser for tagsoup package

Latest on Hackage:1.0.5

This package is not currently in any snapshots. If you're interested in using it, we recommend adding it to Stackage Nightly. Doing so will make builds more reliable, and allow to host generated Haddocks.

BSD-3-Clause licensed and maintained by Vladimir Shabanov

Fast TagSoup parser. Speeds of 20-200MB/sec were observed.

Works only with strict bytestrings.

This library is intended to be used in conjunction with the original tagsoup package:

import Text.HTML.TagSoup hiding (parseTags, renderTags)
import Text.HTML.TagSoup.Fast.Utf8Only

Besides speed fast-tagsoup correctly handles HTML <script> and <style> tags and converts tags to lower case. This fork purposefully removes support for parsing non-utf8 documents, to avoid dependency on text-icu. If you need to handle other encodings, refer to the original

This parser is used in production in BazQux Reader feeds and comments crawler.