
make tool. ruby : rake = haskell : hake


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LicenseRef-GPL licensed by Yoshikuni Jujo
Maintained by Yoshikuni Jujo

Like ruby's rake, hake have Hakefile which is Haskell source.

And Hakefile is like rake's Rakefile, and make's Makefile.

Hakefile is just Haskell source code, then you can use all Haskell features.


deps :: [ String ] -> [ String] -> Rule
deps trgts srcs == file trgts srcs $ \_ _ -> []

Use deps if you want to define no command rule for new Targets. Please use addDeps if you will add dependencies to already existing targets.

Hakefile example:

import Development.Hake
import Development.Hake.FunSetRaw
hake_rules = [

 dflt	[ "greeting" ]
 file	[ "greeting", "greeting.log" ] [ "hello.o", "good-bye.o" ] $
		const2 [ [ "linker", "-o", "greeting", "hello.o", "good-bye.o" ] ]
 rule	".o" ".sfx1" $
		\t (s:_) -> [ [ "compiler1", s, "-o", t ] ]
 rule	".o" ".sfx2" $
		\t (s:_) -> [ [ "compiler2", s, "-o", t ] ]
 task	"clean"
      [ [ "rm", "-f", "hello.o", "good-by.o", "greeting", "greeting.log" ] ]
 mkfl	"script.sh" [ "#!/bin/sh", "echo This is script", "echo made by Hakefile" ]
 ruleSS "" ".o" $ \t (s:_) -> [ (".c",  [ [ "gcc", s, "-o", t ] ] ) ,
                            (".cc", [ [ "g++", s, "-o", t ] ] ) ] )
 rule   ".o" ".c" $ \_ (s:_) -> [ [ "gcc", "-c", s ] ]
 rule   ".o" ".cc" $ \_ (s:_) -> [ [ "g++", "-c", s ] ]
 base   (=="foo") (const [ "foo.gen", "Hakefile" ]) $ \t (s:_) _ _ -> do
              gen <- readFile s
              writeFile t $ unlines $
                [ "#!/bin/sh", "echo This is script" ] ++ lines gen
              return ExitSuccess


main = hake hake_rules