BSD-3-Clause licensed by Andy Gill
Maintained by Andy Gill
This version can be pinned in stack with:natural-transformation-0.4.1@sha256:4a14e3e8082483c8bfca260ba7c7dde84aa34e1c8bb047b107a5efe8cd9018a8,2404

Module documentation for 0.4.1

Depends on 1 package(full list with versions):
Used by 1 package in nightly-2024-12-21(full list with versions):

natural-transformation Hackage version Build Status

A natural transformation transforms a container f a into another container g a. Natural transformations act as functor morphisms in category theory. Technically, f and g should be functors, but we allow any correctly-shaped structure.


0.4.1 [2024.10.27]

  • Drop support for pre-8.0 versions of GHC.


  • Rename Nat constructor to NT
  • Rename run to unwrapNT
  • Rename nat to wrapNT
  • Backport the Semigroup instance for (:~>) by conditionally depending on the semigroups package


  • Adding run and nat.


  • Adding Object
  • Rolled Control.Transformation into Control.Natural
  • Added RULES module
  • Required GHC 7.8 or greater
  • Semigroup instance for (:~>) on GHC 8.0 and up


  • Require GHC 7.6 or greater
  • Exposed ~> type synonym


  • Initial commit