
A command-line tool for live monitoring

Latest on Hackage:0.7.3

This package is not currently in any snapshots. If you're interested in using it, we recommend adding it to Stackage Nightly. Doing so will make builds more reliable, and allow to host generated Haddocks.

BSD-3-Clause licensed by Emil Axelsson
Maintained by [email protected]

trackit is a command-line tool that listens for changes in a user-supplied directory. Whenever there is a change, a custom command is executed and its standard output is shown live in the terminal.


Show a live listing of the files in the current directory:

> trackit --watch-dir=. --command="ls --color"

Show a live revision graph of a Git repository:

> GIT_DIR=`git rev-parse --git-dir`
> trackit --watch-tree=$GIT_DIR --command="git log --graph --all --oneline --decorate --color"

For more information, see the README.